the perfect gift this Christmas...

I've created a Gift Certificate for anyone wanting to ask for or give a Blog Makeover by FreckledNest for Christmas :) If you're interested, you can view past blog makeovers here & purchase a blog makeover with a gift certificate here. Note: The listing is for a Blog Makeover. If you're looking for a Blog as a Website, please email me at :) A Few Things: Just a few more days to give (or ask for) Style School... registration closes Boxing Day! Next LA-TV craft episode on Monday, January 4th at 7:30pm (cst)


  1. That is a really cool idea! :)

  2. hey leigh-ann,

    i´ve already mailed you about a week ago, maybe you didnt get the mail?? i need a website and some logo-stuff, what do you think, can you do this?

    xoxo trine

  3. I want that blog makeover so bad you have no idea, and i'm so excited for style school to start
    thanks for being such an innovator and an inspiration!


Thank you for reading. I now blog over at ...if you have any questions, please email me at LA[@]FreckledNest[.]com