My new notebooks. I'm in love.

I put these together with some of the ideas from the Elsiecake online class. I painted the cover images with acrylic paint and used Elsie's embroidery patterns as a template :] I tore out the book pages and glued in vintage papers (all cut the same size). This notebook is for keeps :) Annnnnd I left the library sign-out card in the back. Love that :] Once I fill up Macaroni Radio, this will be my next journal. I'm buying some white coverstock from Staples to re-page it and i'm good to go :] Still working on this one...Needs a 2nd (and maybe 3rd coat) of red. It's for Keith :] ps. I don't think I can sell these, they're Elsie's idea. Sorry. Tomorrow's post is my 800th!


  1. It is an illustration of a very lovely picture.

  2. Those are absolutely adorable! What type of glue did you use for the inside of the book?

  3. i use aleene's tacky glue whenever i need a wet glue :) and it helps to clip the pages together with alligator clips so that the edges are even. plus, i used a strip of felt between the pages and the book...with lots of glue :]

  4. awwww. i wish they were for sale! i would love to have that first one! i'm an elementary school librarian....

  5. these are so great, i LOVE the one for keith. you're so good!

  6. Pretty much in love with these too!

  7. .....I may have an inspiration hernia. Those journals are amazing!!!


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