This is my 400th post & I'm doing a fun little giveaway! :)
Here are this weeks Flovin:
(my new FFF term: FFF+Lovin=Flovin)
I have a backlog of things I've been meaning to blog about:
1) I got some awesome portfolio in the mail this week! Rachel Denbow sent me this gift :) Thank-You Rach!!!Visit the Red Velvet Art Etsy Store for so many amazing things! All handmade :)

2) I saw my friend Takashi on an advertizement on the bus i was driving behind yesterday. That was funny. It was a great ad, but just like..."Oh... hey Tak?"
3) I have $350 saved towards my new camera. (My savings goal is $1000ish) I want a canon. Kendra, Lacy and my Photographer friends, will you give me suggestions? I don't know what I'm doing.
4) I want everything from this shop, Vital. I practically fave'd it all. lol. I even love the toiletbowl decor!
5) Here's the Answer Key to the shop*game...
Kjoo: Berber Inspiration (this is the prettiest thing ever!)
Moxie Madness: Vespa Raglan T (i heart vespas)
TwentySeven: Library Card T (i love library cards)
For the Record: Embroidered Album Cover (mega embroidery&buttons)
6) I think I'm behind on sending out some prizes... PLEASE LET ME KNOW if I've forgotten to announce a winner of a draw/contest or if you haven't received your prize...
Here's what I remember:
AmandaRoss: Windchimes
Lelsie: I got your email with m.address, I'll ship it today :)
Going Healthy in September: Need to pick a winner and mail 365 Buttons prize from the MegaSuperDuperShopSale: (this was right before my Grandpa passed away) I forgot to include the buttons for the people who blogged it and for the draw for 365buttons (I will send them seperatly) ...*If you blogged about that big sale, can you please email me to remind me?
7) We've had some changes over at the Freckled Nest Design Team. Just an update, Alice and Stefani have very busy busy lives, so they choose to fly away. The team is all good, and we're happy for Alice and Stef... but sad to see them go. We've invited Kristen to be a Chick with us, and she is fitting in SO WELL!!! Next month's Miss.November is Inka :)
8) This week's Little Travellers are Sold Out! :) A new family will be up for adoption next week :) If you'd like a Little Traveller with a specific name, email me :)
Note: Ballerina's cannot be reserved. First come, first serve.
9) I have a major to do list this weekend. I will be in my Studio tonight, Saturday, Sunday and Monday...hoping to finish 2 totes, Grandpa's album(if I'm in the mood), a mini-album for the Design Team photo swap (for Teaque), some goodies to add to orders, wrap up 14sold Little Travellers, name and photograph 50 Little Travellers, and maybe a little shop update :)
(This is my goal, we'll see what actually happens, lol)
10) I'm eventually clearing out lots of my scrapbook&craft supplies. Trying to downsize to the essentials :)
When I do, I'll list them here on my blog and have a garage sale :)
I'll be SLASHING my prices! (That's a joke for Tanner, Mom, Amanda, and AuntShar)
11) Giveaway
The prize is a Ballerina Little Traveller and Buttons!
Tell us, What was your favorite Halloween Costume you ever had... and I'll pick a winner!
*Bonus love if it was a handmade costume and/or if you paste a photolink of you in your costume!!
Happy Friday everyone!!!! :)
My mom has always been involved in theater, so she always made me the coolest costumes. To this day I just go out to the storage shed & dig through the wardrobe to find a costume (this year I'm going to be Lily Munster!) I guess my 'most fav.' costume growing up was a devil. Sounds simple, but mom pulled out all the stops. I had a gold painted face, big pointed red ears, it was fabulous. The funniest part is that I won the costume contest at our CHURCH! Seems odd now. Will try to dig up pics. Oh, another fav was in 5th grade when I was Pee-Wee Herman. Loved Pee-Wee!!!
ReplyDeleteLA, what a fabulous's great to think back on childhood and the great memories made! My mom works in a hospital and when I was younger she was a nurse in the OR...after surgery they have these thermal blankets that look like tin foil and they wrap patients in them to keep them warm, and they have a little hat to go with them. So, one year she got one for me and I was a baked potato...LOL! I'm sure people thought we were crazy, and rightly so!
ReplyDelete*whispers quietly* I won that incredible album that is on the right side of the page. I'm only mentioning cuz you
ReplyDeleteAs far as a camera...I'm a Rebel XT girl and I love it. From everything I've read there isn't a whole lot of difference between it and the XTi..and XT is usually preferred. Maybe someone else on here has one and loves it as much as I love Just putting in my two cents :)
Congrats to Kristen on becoming part of the FN Design Team :)
Kendra, I forgot to update you.
ReplyDeleteYour album was shipped yesterday :) (Sometimes shipping from Canada takes a bit longer, so don't start gettin ancy yet ;)
:) LA
Man! I totally love the library card tee as well, but I thought there was no way someone else could be as nerdy as me... haha, just kidding, LA.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite costume was a handmade fairy costume. White satin, wings, wand. I'll see if Mom has a pic.
Wasn't ancy at all and Wooo hooo! :)
ReplyDeleteAs for about 7 or 8 my mom said I coudn't dress up for it anymore (religious reasons). But I do remember that one year she let me dress up as a hooker. Ok..she called it Punk-Rocker...but at the time I told her I wanted to be a hooker. I'm gonna look through my photos and see if I can find it :) It was entirely handmade and something that I still think of everytime Halloween rolls around.
OK, I could've sworn I clicked submit...maybe I really am as crazy as they say! LOL! Anyway, it was a super funny costume, I remember people walking up and saying things like "Now what exactly are you?" I probably should've had some chives on my head or something to complete the ensemble! I'll have to look and see, we were pretty picture challenged growing up, my sis and I are trying to do a better job with our babies!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite costume was passed down from my older cousins. It was handmade beautifully simple blue princess dress. I always loved dressing up as a princess when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of costumes I just remembered one easter when I was younger my sister, brother and me dressed up as bunnies. I wonder why my mom did that??? I'm sure I have a picture somewhere I'll have to look.
Have a great day!
My fave costume was when I was about 6 or 7. I had hair down to my butt and my mom wanted me to be pippi longstocking. She sewed up a ragamuffin outfit then braided my long hair around a bent wire clothes hanger to make it stand up. I already had enough freckles in my opinion but she dotted on some more and I was ready! I won the local mall costume contest, too! I know I have a pic somewhere. Let me see....
ReplyDelete yup there it is.
well, i´ve only been in one halloween party last year, because halloween is not so popular here in finland. so, i need to say that that was my fave costume. i made a top, a skirt and a robe for myself. i was a vamp-pire. lol. it was fun! :)
ReplyDeletehere´s a pic
My best costume was a Little Miss Muffet and Tony was the spider.
ReplyDeleteCheck my flickr for a photo.... you know what JUST made my day? Coming to your blog and hearing Bowie and Queen singing Under of the best classic rock songs EVAH!
ReplyDeleteI know this is weird, but last year we had a Pet Costume contest at work; I entered my darling Topper as "Topper Claws." She didn't win, but it was great fun and so that is my favorite costume.
ReplyDeleteDoes it count?
See it here:
I don't know if it was my favourite Halloween costume, but it is definitely the last one I did wear. A few years back, my brother was hosting a home party and we had to come in costume. Although I am wonderfuly plump already, I donned a Ukrainian blouise and enhanced by bust considerably. I accented the blouse with an outlandish orange decorative skirt (long and flowing) / a pair of my husband's work wool socks / sandals / a kerchief tied back on my head / generous helping of rouge on my cheeks / and blue eye shadow too / and vibrant red lipstick. In hand, was a gawdy little purse I picked up somewhere and inside was the creme de la creme - a small jar of canned mushrooms and a small jar of dill pickles and a head of garlic. I was a Ukrainian Baba! My brother, and family, got a hoot out of me. There was a picture, but I can't seem to put my hands on it right now. Mom had it in a frame in her little suite. Funny! The mushrooms and dills are what got everyone laughing.
ReplyDeletehum, here in Brazil we don´t have Halloween parties, almost nothing about this funny date! But once I had a job party, and I went as a vampire, and I worked all day long with "blood" in my face, big teeth and a terrible and very hot costume with a lot of purple vampires, LOL!
ReplyDeleteMy mom always made my costumes - my favorite was a scarecrow. I put corn husks in my sleeves and cuffs, and I had this adorable felt hat! I won a costume contest or two with that one! Sorry, all my photos are at my parents' house. But trust me, it was cute!
ReplyDeleteI was grapes when I was 10. The costume consisted of a bunch of purple balloons tied together and worn as a suit, over a black leotard and my face painted green with a little stem hat on my head. I kind of didn't like that one because I was pretty huge,couldn't sit down, and the boys kept popping my grapes. lol.
ReplyDeleteMy most original was a stop light. My dad works for signals so he made a giant stop light out of a huge box painted with official city yellow paint, and used actual red yellow and green lenses and yellow hoods from old stop lights. My face looked through the red lense, so everything was red. It was pretty hard to see in the dark trick or treating, but I got alot of candy cause it was so cool.
The Cons? This one was also kind of hard to move in. Couldn't sit down again. ARGH!
when i was a kid, i LOVED luke skywalker from Star Wars...i mean I LOVED HIM!!! so one year a put together my own version of a costume and did my best to go out as Luke Skywalker in the Return of the Jedi homemade costume,,,complete with a flashlight for a lightsaber, and this burlap stuff i used to make a, i thought i was cool!!!! hahahahaha!!!
When I was four my parents dresed me up as Davie Crocket complete with a coon skin cap. I don't believe I had any say in the matter...but the pictures are my favorite. I look like a little tutus at my house growing up!