This is Amanda, Leigh-Ann's sister that you may think is imaginary because there are no know photos of me. I googled my name today and got 0 hits.... LA and I watched top model all night and she didn't want me to leave so she sucked me into doing this blog-thing-a-ma-jiggy. It is strange however that LA and I are like the same person but so opposite at the same time. Here are the diffs/sames between us.
-Voices sound identical
-sense of humour
-the ability to pin point what type of animal or food a person looks like (example, LA is a turtle, my husband is a chipmunk
-we designed our first homes separately but they ended up the same , room for room
-we're never settled with furniture placement (LA's home has an identity crisis though)
-we enjoy a good name, whether it be a company or person
-we also both possess the ability to combine two words into one to create a new term, like right now we could call them twords (two words) (LA is cackling with a leg kick over that one)
-we both hate mindless phone chat, but somehow end up doing it with each other
-we both like to brainstorm a good idea, for example, LA told me
Inka needed a name for her business, I stayed awake 2 hours after I laid down trying to think of one, the next day I called her in pain because I still couldn't come up with one. By the way Inka, I know you have named it, but I can't stop thINKAing.
-LA is a keeper of wonderful things(what I refer to as a clutter monster), Amanda throws things out any chance I get
-LA owns a computer, I had to ask where the space bar was and if I still had to put www. before a site address
-LA has friends, Amanda does not (why else would I be here)
-LA thinks Trumps is hot, I prefer Grissom of CSI
-LA could stay in forever, But I need to get out
-I have babies, LA has Freckled Nest
-LA has free cable(for 3 years running strong), I have 2 channels that I get with bunny ears in the basement
-Amanda is very competitive and LA always loses, not really a difference, but I just wanted to rub it in

When LA and I were little we shared the room in the basement. We would stay up late moving furniture and wouldn't stop talking so we'd say "no talking..starting..now!" but would end up laughing and talking more. Up until 2 1/2 years ago LA and I lived literally 5 houses apart, it was awesome because we could walk over in our PJ's. Did you know that she has a name for everyone on the street. kind of like on seinfeld. So I asked her what they would call
her, she said "the girl in the pajamas". You all cannot see LA when she is at home, but if you could you would know that she is always in pajama pants. for real. Leigh-Ann is also a procrastinator in anything that does not involve Freckled Nest. When there is something she wants to do like lets say, organize her porch.. First she will think about it for a week, then she will draw up a map of how she wants it placed. Once she has drawn up a map she realizes that it won't work because she doesn't have the proper storage bins or something like that. So she has to get back to the drawing board. Once she finally dives into the project it is 3 weeks later and she realizes that it is a huge job that will probably take an entire weekend. Going through the project she comes across many forgotten items and trys to find a new purpose elsewhere for them. This means that in order to place all of the items she needs to reorganize this and that. What I am trying to get at is that if LA would just throw everything out like me, it would never happen.
Silly Things LA has done (all of these are true)
-Curious about the pressure of the sprayer at the car washer, she tested it out on her finger an inch away, yeah, it ripped her skin off. deep.
-Trying to live life through the eyes of a blind person (thats an oxymoron) she blindfolded herself at dish time and fell on the open dishwasher (dad was verrrry mad)
-I used to make her laugh so hard at supper time she would shoot milk out of her nose. Me and Kody would then mark it on the calender , it was about every two weeks (this also made dad very mad, "don't be wasteful")
-In shops class, while using the dremmel drill she once again got 'curious' and wanted to see what would happen if she touched her hair to it, almost like it would be curling iron. You can all imagine what happened, but if not see the attached pic.

I figure the next thing that could happen would either be she locks herself in the trunk of her car or puts her hand in the garbortor.
Leigh-Ann through the eyes of Amanda, her longest living friend.
LA is the most artistically creative person I know, since we were little she has been bursting at the seams with creations, ideas, projects. At 10years old she started saving magazine clipping for crafts she would do with her students as a Teacher. She sees possibility in everything she picks up, in a garage sale find she sees the past history and the future possibilities. She is passionate and committed to what she believes in, for this reason I know that Freckled Nest is going to fly. She is perseverant and patient, like 10 years ago when she became a Christian she tried to get me on board. It took 8 years before I accepted Jesus and she never gave up on me. Another difference between her and I would be the size of our hearts. Hers is much bigger! She is sensitive and compassionate, trusting and a woman with character, never wavering on what she believes is right. It has taken us both time to discover who we are, without you I don't know who I might be. Even through the fights, the pushing-shoving, the hair pulling ( i know it was all me) the time you b*%$# slapped across the face, I always loved you and I always will. Hey, maybe I could do like a monthly sister spotlight and we could call it dimpled chest.. JJ. We better add a photo or I might keep writing all night. I'm blog hooked...i'm blooked.

p.s My husband prefers no photos of me on the internet.. sorry.
LA: I vouch her beauty. She's not a hose-beast.
This was the coolest post ever! I loved it. :)
ReplyDeleteI was laughing out loud whe I read all the silly things you had done. Especially the milk shoots from your nose. lol!!
Coo! :)
Oh my goodness, that is the sweetest and coolest post ever.
ReplyDeleteLA ~ you are one lucky sista. So are you Amanda!
ya'll are so much fun! love it!
ReplyDeletenow THIS made my morning. So, so sweet girls. You all are an inspiration to me and my sis. ;)
ReplyDeleteYou're makin' coffee come out my nose! (Well, almost anyway. Dang, wouldn't THAT hurt???)
ReplyDeleteLoved it! Makes me feel like I know you just a bit better. Your sister looks like a mexican wrestler btw :-)
ReplyDeleteOff topic - will you do a halloween post tomorrow?
ah so good! I love all of those stories about leigh-ann, and i can picture them all and the amazing look on her face during each of them. i think we all have a delightful story or two about LA being ridiculous. in an incredibly delightful way.
ReplyDeleteThat was so enjoyable, I just kept smiling!
ReplyDeleteOh Amanda and Leigh-Ann-you can't imagine how hard I was laughing at this, luckily not drinking anything like milk, or coffee where it would come out my nose while reading it.
ReplyDeleteAmanda, you also have the gift of gab and everyone will know how much you love your sister, with all those loving and funny stories.
Leigh-Ann- well yes everyone of these funny stories that LA did ARE TRUE, and we probably have a few more to tell. This was priceless girls. I love you so much! :}
Love Momma
your forgetting her need for making a contract for everything when we were young, and that time that you (amanda) though the push scoop or more of a swing in a circle and through at LA
ReplyDeleteand dont forget the time you didnt wanna do your homework so you lit it on fire at the kitchen table which is made of wood
This was the funniest and sweetest post ever!
ReplyDeleteBTW: I can see LA doing all of the above.... I think I have done a lot of it.... (power washer) I didn't rip my skin of but it hurt for awhile.
One time I went tanning in a booth (a special tanning booth that you can only go in for 5 minutes -- It is suppose to release something so the next day you tan more) Anyway , I could not believe that the four lights in the booth tanned you and looked at them for a majority of the 5 minutes -- I woke up blind and had to go to the doctors where he told me that i had burnt my cornea's.
Ps. I can see now -- Both literally and that the lights in the booth work!
Oh I forgot to mention that you all used to tease me that our house and A. Sandy's used to decorated with the same colours and style!!! Now look at who's houses are the same???
ReplyDeleteWatch what you say, it may come back to haunt you :)
Love Momma
ReplyDeleteAmanda has described you perfectly.
It was nice to see this post "sisterly love", hope all is well and will talk to you soon.
So cute! I'm glad you and your sister have such an awesome relationship! I miss my sis. :( She's doing the Aussie thing and living in London for two years. :(
ReplyDeletedelightful post....love the super secret spy mask...you're identity is safe!