
I think I watched 'The Tobi' informercial today for a good 45 minutes! I was mesmorized at it's steaming potential. I considered the "four easy payments of $29.95"...but broke the infomercials trance over me...and changed it to mtv. Much better, lol.


  1. We ain't got no fancy things like dis in Kintucee. Wish we did - I'd sure buy one. Oh and I'm with you - save your pennies for buttons oh the buttons @@@@@ (those are drool blogs on your screen)! TQ

  2. What a dork - I DO know how to spell SOME words - blops is what I meant - got blogs on the brain apparently - been catching up on my "friend's" way more interesting lives just now (I know how sad is it that your infomercial is more interesting than my life and How come the comments section can't have spell check?) OH and I have to be anonymous cause your blogity blog doesn't like me - oh well pretend I'm a new friend that you can't contact - he he.

  3. I love info-mercials! I love the little blender thing that has all these actors standing in a kitchen using it and they are so lame.

    i know what we'll be watching late at night when we're bored :)

    38 hours left!!

  4. Samaunt says:

    Hey LA,
    Got you msg. on ans. machine. Like I told you before and I'll tell you again no problem. Don't worry about it -- have a great time in Vancouver -- talk to you when you get back.

  5. Hey LA,
    i stumnbled onto this cute blog that i thought you and your vintage cottage gal would love...she's done her home all in these vintage blues, furniture, painting and all...check her out..


    (NOTE, her last entry is about a death of an infant in her family, just scroll down once you finish wiping your tears like me... )


Thank you for reading. I now blog over at http://FreckledNest.typepad.com ...if you have any questions, please email me at LA[@]FreckledNest[.]com