"Leigh-Ann, stop shreaking"

...lol, imagine if i won the lottery?


  1. lol, you´re such a cutie. ;)

  2. oh my goodness you are hilarious! i am in the process of trying to get my cable shut off because i never use it... i wonder if they will offer it to me for free! haha

  3. LOL! I miss you sooo much! You're too freakin' cute! xoxo

  4. oh my gosh you are adorable...and now i sound like a creepy stalker...

    It is always things like that that make my day. :)

  5. Will i ever see you again? Oh yeah, I forgot...you got a pvr now. you can "tape" it. Haha - Todd laughs when I say that. He's like - it's not called "taping" it anymore jill....
    PS. You're so cute!

  6. leigh-ann youuuu are the cutest girl ever. i love your video posts, they always make me smile so much :]

    congrats on all your free stuff! that is very exciting.

  7. ohhh dear. this made me giggle!

    haha. i love it. i would have been pretty much the happiest person ever too!!!

  8. Ahh you are way too adorable! And you are giggle a lot like me :) That makes me happy! Congrats on all the free stuff; I'd pee in my pants.

  9. Is that really what they call it in Canada? PVR?
    In your earlier post I thought it was just a misspell. But I guess not. It's called DVR here. Anyways ... thanks for the spot in your recent post. Take care and have a great weekend.

  10. You shreak gal!

    I'm watching a Conan repeat right now (because I don't make it past 11pm and don't have PVR). The chair that relieves stress on certain body parts is making me howl (I hope you caught it between cut-off and restart).

  11. I can't get over how cute you are! You are so stinking cute. I want to be you.

  12. bahahaha this cracked me up!!! i know excatly how you feel, i have schmooshed so many things out of companies! but my luck ran out and i couldnt work a deal, so now i am on lame-o basic cable....we will see how long I can make it that way. and you are adorable!


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