Work thru the Paaaain

My friend Elizabeth MADE my day sending me this video. Mom, I can totally see you hissing laughter watching this and calling Kody up to see it. Could Aunty Sandy's sweater classify as a Gem Sweater? love!


  1. That makes me cry with laughter. I love it!

  2. This song cracks me up!! My cousin works for the company that first busted out this song in their Holiday 2005 video. Cracks me up!!

  3. I wish I lived in Canada, I think we could totally make a video. Maybe we should and just mix it together. Hehe.

  4. this is amazing.
    i felt awkward watching it but I couldn't peel my eyes off the screen! so funny.

  5. I'm so happy that you love it as much as I do - I was worried that maybe I wasn't getting out enough. I just keep watching it over and over again, and every time there is something little thing that catches my eye and makes me laugh even harder. Today, it's the cat pictures, and the part where she scratches her neck.

    *I'm still thinking I need to get out more*

  6. Hilarious! I love finding these GEMS when I visit your son didnt quite get why I was laughing so hard I almost peed, but then again he's only 3. What does he know?

  7. Umm Yessss, you are CRAFTASTIC! Let's do a little craft talk in Mooos

  8. The funny thing is.... I can totally see you doing a video like that. I think you should. That was good!

  9. oh-my-freaking-goodness that is HILARIOUS!!!
    i especially liked the part where she scratches her neck randomly in the middle of "singing".

  10. it's Rachael. I can totally do the whole "how we go out version 2" rap. the WHOLE thing. We need to get together and enjoy things!


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