My sister Amanda is amazing at dressing Olivia and Kennedy...and they are always the cutest little girls in the world! Like, look at this outfit... I would totally wear it!
Kennedy found the veto-tshirt gathering-thing in my button collection, walked over to her Mommy and said, "What's this???" Amanda said, "Sweetie, go over to LaLa and sheeee'll shoooow you what that is!" We always joke about those tshirt things; we regularly wore them with our florescent spandex shorts and homemade birthday party t-shirts (we always made tshirts at our birthday parties with that puff paint). And there were probably some bright scrunchies involved!
One of the disadvantages to working at home and having no life is I have like, 3 good outfits. Cathy-ACK! And I'm going to Missouri for 3 weeks soon...and oh man. I really need to get some clothes or I'll be the poor stinky girl who wears the same 3 things for 3 weeks! So i'm pretty excited to do some shopping soon...PLUS, fix these awful bangs that I've patiently grown out! It'll be a great way to turn 28 (April 11, hallar)! Ewe. 28 looks like...old?! I'm still 16 in my head. 19 tops!
Happy Humpday!

I love you babe :)
ReplyDeleteI always wore those t-shirt things too. With t-shirts that had hot pink and neon green puffy paint allll over them and I do believe I had a pair of jean shorts that were ripped all over that came with black biker shorts underneath. My grandma hated those shorts. I say we bring them back!!! ;) It'll be hotttt.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to say a a clever 19. Hehe. oxoxoxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteI'm so jealous YOU actually own one those circle things - I never had one (wanted one) just had to tie mine in a stupid knot. MY child will have more I tell you! I liked the buttons on her pants too! Super excited for your upcoming trip AND if that equals shopping - wohooo!! HE HE - happy humpday! Did you know that, that is one of those sayings that makes me cringe and then giggle??!?!?
ReplyDeletemy fac was stirrups pants in EVERy colors, polka dot jump suits, and i have one up on you with the puff paint shirts. MY mom had a friend and she would give us horrible shirts with large proud lions heads or ponies and we would puff around the picture and all over the rest...oh man..
ReplyDeleteOMG, I'm turning 28 this year too (24 May) and I can't get my head around it! It sounds old but I don't feel that old, maybe 18/19! I don't want to be a grown-up yet!
ReplyDeleteHappy B-day in exactly a month today =).
ReplyDeleteWell as a 31 yearold turning 32 this summer Is still feel like I'm 19 at heart and when I look at people around me (my age) I get confused because they seem to be so old.
I think you never are older than you make yourself so keep on being young at heart. It's a gift not everyone has.
Thanks for a great blog always makes me smile.
Homemade birthday party shirts? I thought I was the only one! : D
ReplyDeleteHi Leigh-Ann,
ReplyDeleteAnnaMaia-I'm 51 going on 52 this fall and I have same feeling when I look at people the same age as me and it's kinda scary to see people over 55. Do I really look that old???? I still feel like I'm in my 20's, but lately my body doesn't!!! That's impossible to have a daughter that's going on 28! hmmmm!
Leigh-Ann, it just seems like yesterday that we took this picture of you, Amanda, and Kody at Aunty Kim's.
Remember the long, neon print shirts that I used to make for you and Amanda with long tails to match the flashy pants. You also had the black biker, spandex shorts.
Cute pic of Ollie and Kenny, that's the shirt I bought them in the U.S>
Love Momma
Momma, I love you so much! Lately, I wanna call you everyday just to laugh together :) Have you noticed a pattern? I held off yesterday though cause i don't wanna drive you crazy and I know you're busy.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing, I was talking to Amanda on the phone and I told her about this post. And she said, I don't dres them, Mom does ;) So it's even funnier that you talked about buying that shirt ;)
I don't remember those particular floresant outfits or the black biker shorts, guess I blocked it out ;) I DOOOOO remember my RED denim jeans that I wanted SO bad! Why? I donno, but it was all I could think about till I got them! Do you remember that Mom? We got them at Warehouse One. Maybe I should get a pair again ;) lol!
I was big on the matching tee shirt and legging sets. Ugh.. I had this bathing suit that was a two piece, but the top and bottom were connected with spandex suspenders. Oh my.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about the age thing. I'm turing 25 this June and to me that just sounds so... old. My best friend just turned twenty and I realized that when she's 25, I'll be thirty. THIRTY! Ahhhh...
Love your post, as always! You rock, little lady!
Awesome, we are 1 year and 6 days apart. I am on April 5 (woot, woot)!! And I can't believe I will be 29. So I am feeling you on the old thing. For the last 2 months I have been telling people I am 27 years. OMG...I am actually 28!! I still feel like I am 22...just old enough to drink :)
ReplyDeleteThose shirt things are AWESOME! I loved wearing those, also with neon tops, spandex, slouch socks and some high top reebox!
Its your birthday again already.... geez If feels like you just had one.
ReplyDeleteLDR I don't want my birthday to come. I want to freeze my age right now. Actually I want go back 3 years and then freeze my age. Just my age not my experiences.