What is Indie Business?
Indie Business is a 6 week Online Class for women and men wanting to build an online or local creative business. We'll focus on Starting, Surviving and Succeeding in small business and cover everything in between! The class is taught by Leigh-Ann, Jill and Elsie and is hosted in a members only blog with 26 sessions, 7 diy projects and 3 live chats to give you all the tools you need to establish yourself and achieve success with your Small Business! The course also includes a printable workbook with original illustrations by Elsie and room for all your homework, notes and ideas!
Leigh-Ann of FreckledNest.com
I started my small business as a hobby in 2005, but as demand & popularity increased, Freckled Nest quickly became a strong second income and I worked towards making it my career. I originally began with a focus on small items like tiny albums and handstitched items, but now focus on custom blog and website design (and my personal blog), custom albums, teaching and fun etsy items :) In 2008, I quit my normal job, became my own boss, and now support myself solely from my creative abilities and passion for handmade and innovation. Freckled Nest is my dream job!!
Jill of LuneVintage.com
Jill Munro opened a cute cottage hobby shop in 2004 and over time, has built Lune Vintage, a successful Studio/Shop in the hub of Winnipeg's prominent artists' scene. Marrying her local charm and talent with online networking skills, Jill has accomplished all of her Small Business goals and happily remains at her part time job as a Teachers Assistant, plus she's a wife and mother. Jill's an outstanding example and inspiration for 'making it all happen' and is sure to inspire you with her experiences, talents and dedication to making dreams come true!
Elsie of RedVelvetArt.com
Elsie Flannigan has been supporting herself as an independent artist for the past 7 years. She started out in the Scrapbooking industry, contributing to countless magazines, authoring two popular craft books, and designing a hugely successful & lovely scrapbook product line. In 2009, Elsie opened Red Velvet Art, an online boutique that supports & promotes Independent Art & Fashion. In the past 2 years, Elsie has independently sold over 15,000 independently produced and handmade items and her craft blog attracts an average of 20,000 hits each day!! Elsie is the best person to teach on Indie Business growth and success; in my opinion, she's the poster child!
* Indie Business runs for 6 weeks from March 7th to April 16th (plus our Indie Business Stories and 1 Project in February). You can work at your own pace & the class blog will stay up for 1 year so that you can reference everything and continue to be inspired.
* The class posts are written (not video) and sessions/projects are posted daily. You can come to the private blog each day at whatever time that works with your schedule :]
*Most chat times are ideal for both North American & International students and will also be announced at the beginning of the course so you can plan to attend. If you are unable to attend a chat, you'll be able to leave your question beforehand, then read the chat afterwards :)
* Supplies needed: Computer, Internet, and a few very affordable supplies for the DIY Projects (ex. binder, fabric, needle & thread, paper, etc).
* We recommend reading the course outline below. It feels like an exciting mini tour of what the course covers, *goosebumps* :]
* Most sessions will have 'Homework' to enrich you and your company through out the class but you are not obligated to do the assignments and challenges.
* We want to get to know you! We hope this will be an interactive experience where we can inspire and encourage you and your dreams, helping you see them becoming reality! Through out the sessions and projects, we would love to hear your ideas, development and experiences in the comments of each session. Plus, you will probably enjoy getting to know other members of the class, encouraging one another and maybe even finding like-minded friends and future networking opportunities and support :)
* We have planned 3 live text chats where you can ask all three of us advice & questions, bounce ideas, share your ideas and chat with your classmates!
* Indie Workbook PDF ready for download on February 28th.
* Private blog access will be sent within 36 hours of registration/purchase.

Teachers: Jill - LA - Elsie
(P=Project, S=Session)
February 22 - March 1
Leigh-Ann's Indie Business Story
Jill's Indie Business Story
Elsie's Indie Business Story
1P: Indie Business Portfolio
Term 1: March 7 - 20
2S: Open your Umbrella
3S: Product & Potential
4S: Style & The Importance of a Name
5S: Predicting and Embracing Trends
6P: Office Inspiration Board
7S: Find your Strengths, Weaknesses & Skills - Quiz
8S: Main Marketplace - Local
9S: Main Marketplace - Online
10S: Pricing + Production + Expectation = Success
11P: Business Calender
12S: Presentation through Display
13S: Presentation through Photography
Term 1 Text Chat w/ LA, Jill & Elsie
Term 2: March 22 - April 3
14S: Taking Advantage of Online Resources
15S: Taking Advantage of Local Resources
16S: Working with Etsy
17S: Working with Flickr
18S: 10 Things Not to Do
19S: Blogging Effectively
20P: Business Card Keeper
21S: Networking Locally
22S: Networking Online
23S: Print Media
24P: Creating a Blog Widget
Term 2 Text Chat w/ LA, Jill & Elsie
Term 3: April 4 - 16
25S: Full Time, Part Time, Hobby?
26S: Mainstream vs. Indie
27S: Time is Money
28P: Receipts Organizer
29S: Good Business
30S: Being the Face of your Business
31S: Work and Family
32S: Keep it Fresh, Stay Inspired
33P: Indie Goals & Dreams Journal
Bonus: You're your Best Cheerleader
Term 3 & Farewell Text Chat w/ LA, Jill & Elsie
Note: The course content does not discuss taxes or business licenses. Since every state/country has different requirements, we recommend you talk to your local government (or google local resources) since many of them have amazing programs (usually free) that help you get registered and give legal information.
Registration Details
Class cost: $75us
* We will begin class registrations this Wednesday, Feb 10th. Details will be announced Wednesday on Leigh-Ann, Jill and Elsie's blogs :]
* Payment Methods: Paypal & RedVelvetArt shop.
* Private blog access will be sent within 36 hours of registration/purchase.
If you have any questions, please email us at indieworldwide@gmail.com
A few Quotes from 2009 Indie Business Students
"...it's fresh and working knowledge of the business and is given in bite sized and digestible pieces. The tone is cheerful and the sessions are displayed in a colorful manner as they break the steps to starting an indie business into doable steps. I highly recommend this class to beginners as well as those who have owned their business for quite some time now." --Jacquelyn
"I can see clearly now..." --Donna
"Indie Business will continue to be a great tool for me to come back to as I build my Indie business. Jill and LA create a genuine atmosphere for learning by teaching from their own lived experience and welcoming the students into a trusting and open community of artists and crafters." --Gillian
"Indie Business was way more than I had thought it could have been, I have been left so inspired not only by Leigh-Ann and Jill, but also by everyone else who took the class. If your even thinking about taking the class... go for it! You will NOT be dissapointed!!!!!" --Adelle
* Most sessions will have 'Homework' to enrich you and your company through out the class but you are not obligated to do the assignments and challenges.
* We want to get to know you! We hope this will be an interactive experience where we can inspire and encourage you and your dreams, helping you see them becoming reality! Through out the sessions and projects, we would love to hear your ideas, development and experiences in the comments of each session. Plus, you will probably enjoy getting to know other members of the class, encouraging one another and maybe even finding like-minded friends and future networking opportunities and support :)
* We have planned 3 live text chats where you can ask all three of us advice & questions, bounce ideas, share your ideas and chat with your classmates!
* Indie Workbook PDF ready for download on February 28th.
* Private blog access will be sent within 36 hours of registration/purchase.

Teachers: Jill - LA - Elsie
(P=Project, S=Session)
February 22 - March 1
Leigh-Ann's Indie Business Story
Jill's Indie Business Story
Elsie's Indie Business Story
1P: Indie Business Portfolio
Term 1: March 7 - 20
2S: Open your Umbrella
3S: Product & Potential
4S: Style & The Importance of a Name
5S: Predicting and Embracing Trends
6P: Office Inspiration Board
7S: Find your Strengths, Weaknesses & Skills - Quiz
8S: Main Marketplace - Local
9S: Main Marketplace - Online
10S: Pricing + Production + Expectation = Success
11P: Business Calender
12S: Presentation through Display
13S: Presentation through Photography
Term 1 Text Chat w/ LA, Jill & Elsie
Term 2: March 22 - April 3
14S: Taking Advantage of Online Resources
15S: Taking Advantage of Local Resources
16S: Working with Etsy
17S: Working with Flickr
18S: 10 Things Not to Do
19S: Blogging Effectively
20P: Business Card Keeper
21S: Networking Locally
22S: Networking Online
23S: Print Media
24P: Creating a Blog Widget
Term 2 Text Chat w/ LA, Jill & Elsie
Term 3: April 4 - 16
25S: Full Time, Part Time, Hobby?
26S: Mainstream vs. Indie
27S: Time is Money
28P: Receipts Organizer
29S: Good Business
30S: Being the Face of your Business
31S: Work and Family
32S: Keep it Fresh, Stay Inspired
33P: Indie Goals & Dreams Journal
Bonus: You're your Best Cheerleader
Term 3 & Farewell Text Chat w/ LA, Jill & Elsie
Note: The course content does not discuss taxes or business licenses. Since every state/country has different requirements, we recommend you talk to your local government (or google local resources) since many of them have amazing programs (usually free) that help you get registered and give legal information.
Registration Details
Class cost: $75us
* We will begin class registrations this Wednesday, Feb 10th. Details will be announced Wednesday on Leigh-Ann, Jill and Elsie's blogs :]
* Payment Methods: Paypal & RedVelvetArt shop.
* Private blog access will be sent within 36 hours of registration/purchase.
If you have any questions, please email us at indieworldwide@gmail.com
A few Quotes from 2009 Indie Business Students
"...it's fresh and working knowledge of the business and is given in bite sized and digestible pieces. The tone is cheerful and the sessions are displayed in a colorful manner as they break the steps to starting an indie business into doable steps. I highly recommend this class to beginners as well as those who have owned their business for quite some time now." --Jacquelyn
"I can see clearly now..." --Donna
"Indie Business will continue to be a great tool for me to come back to as I build my Indie business. Jill and LA create a genuine atmosphere for learning by teaching from their own lived experience and welcoming the students into a trusting and open community of artists and crafters." --Gillian
"Indie Business was way more than I had thought it could have been, I have been left so inspired not only by Leigh-Ann and Jill, but also by everyone else who took the class. If your even thinking about taking the class... go for it! You will NOT be dissapointed!!!!!" --Adelle
I will be here on February 10th to sign up! I can't wait!! Thanks so much LA, Jill & Elsie for putting this together!! I can only aspire to be as successful as you ladies are! See ya then!
This class couldn't have come at a better time...I'm super excited to learn & turn my love of crafting into a more than just a hobby. Yeah!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteI have been waiting for these details, and I can't wait. I will definitely be here Wednesday to sign up!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds very interesting. Is it geared more toward someone who is thinking about starting a business but not taken any steps or toward someone who has started a business and needs focus and help growing it?
I'll be first in line to sign up! This is just what I need to get me going and keep me motivated. Sooo excited!
ReplyDeleteOoh I can't wait! This couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Even my husband is encouraging me to take these classes: )
ReplyDeleteLA and Elsie are such fun teachers and can't wait to meet Jill as a teacher.
I am sooo going to sign up for this class!!!
ReplyDeleteheyyyy bff. is there a class limit?
ReplyDeleteI wish I could be a part of it, but maybe next time! I know it will be a success :)
ReplyDeleteSaving my milk money for this!
OoooOOOoooOOoo can't wait!
ReplyDeleteYou ladies are awesome!
ReplyDeleteThis is a GREAT class and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to start their own indie business.
ReplyDeletei'm signing up for this one! can't wait!!
ReplyDeleteQ. (Carol B) This sounds very interesting. Is it geared more toward someone who is thinking about starting a business but not taken any steps or toward someone who has started a business and needs focus and help growing it?
ReplyDeleteA. Good question, the class takes students through how to build a successful small business... and can relate to total beginners or people who have had a business for a while but want to improve the things they're already doing and learn more. The first time we taught the class, we had both brand new business owners AND people who were already started and feeling settled... and both types of students said they felt it was valuable :)
Q. is there a class limit?
We haven't decided for sure, but the class will definately be open for registration for a week or two! For those worried about missing registration because of International time difference, don't worry, you'll make it :)
Thanks for the great feedback everyone! I'm so SO excited to teach this class again, especially with such great co-teachers :)
Leigh-Ann :)
Ahhh, I need to take this class! You're such an inspiration, Leigh-Ann!
ReplyDeleteI found this from one of my daily read (thanks Meg). Question - will there be another class this year? Any schedules for upcoming classes?
ReplyDeleteI am most interested in this but at the moment, I am still trying to structure my life for this year (commitment to work and my shop). It has been a stressful start to the year with too many health problems.
Oh, cool. I'm totally tempted to take it just for the rad op to pick all of your indie bizz brains a little!! :)
ReplyDeleteVery excited about the class! Definitely signing up!
ReplyDeleteI would love love love this class. I love the way you and Elsie teach (Style School is my first online class).... right up my alley! You are so inspiring and encouraging. xo
ReplyDeleteHello there, LA! I have been sitting here anxiously twiddling my thumbs, attempting to decide whether or not I should enroll in the class. I worry that I will miss something! I work a full-time job and I don't have the internet at home. I have a computer and can go to a cafe, or to a friend's home, or even use the internet at work! But, will I get the full experience? What if I am unable to attend the live chats? Ooooh, I dunno! What do you think? Perhaps, I just need a little push into the pool?
ReplyDeleteLA, I did it! Signed up and anxious to begin, teacher! <3
ReplyDeleteewwww. I think I need to sign up for this one. I have so many questions about how to make my little business more successful!!
ReplyDeletei just signed up for this course. i'm feeling a little apprehensive about it though as i'm at home these days with my 1 year old and it feels as though i have limited energy and creativity to expend by the end of the day! Still, i'm excited as i've been thinking about making this plunge for some time now. hooray!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for this class! :)
ReplyDeleteI just signed up for the course! hope i didn't miss anything ...!)
so excited!
This looks great!