2 Zaps!

You know how sometimes you just feel empty of creative inspiration. Like, you're trying to recharge but no matter where you look, nothings lighting you up? I've felt that way lately and it was kinda bumming me out. Then... last night I found my recharge by accident, twice and I'm so happy again!  Look at these amazing silhouettes by Jenny Lee Fowler!
Thank you Jenny for making these beautiful art pieces; your ingenuity, unique medium and connection with nature's beauty is blowing my mind! I'm in awe of the fact that you create them freehand just by observing the profile of a living subject or image!!
My other 'accidental recharge' happened at 2 am last night when I had a giggle fest with a sweet little Aussie named Tracey-Leigh! She lives in Australia, I live in Canada and we connected as if we've known each other forever... TL has had her new blog for 3 weeks now and while discussing her upcoming makeover (via Freckled Nest), she reminded me of the mega hyper excitement I also felt when I started my blog three and a half years ago. This girls a beam of sunshine, I can't wait to introduce her to you officially in June when she's our feature sponsor :)  I went to bed ear to ear smiles, thanks Trace!!!
Tomorrow (Friday)
- I'll tell you a funny secret
 - Is the last opportunity to become a May Sponsor on FN
- I'll announce the winner of the 12 Giveaways & Free Ad Space!
- I'll announce the winner of the Vol.25 Giveaway!
- I'll share the loveliest face of a Birthday Boy in my life :)
- I'll show you my new purse... it's really beautiful
Next Week
- I'll send out my first Monthly Newsletter! I'm working on a cute DIY and giveaway plus a few stories... you can subscribe to our newsletter in the top left sidebar of my blog :)
Love you buds!! LA


  1. FREEHAND!!! I though she used some sort of special cutter. Beautiful work, amazing!!!



    Love Mom

  2. Those are amazing! Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Someone had Jenny Lee Fowler done silhouettes as a gift for our wedding and they are the most amazing things ever! Glad you found some inspiration, Leigh-Ann!

  4. Don't you just wish you could bottle up those recharge moments and drink from them whenever you needed to?! Whenever I lack inspiration I usually get it suddenly super late one night and can't sleep at all that entire night because I'm so full of motivation!

  5. I was feeling uninspired this week too, so I took a day off! Batteries are recharged yay! Have a good day! :)

  6. Wow, those silhouettes are just amazing!! What a talent... And such creativity!

  7. I love silhouettes and those are very inspiring!

  8. *fistpump* yes. thank you!!!!!!

  9. BIG hugs out to my sunny happy giggle mate 'eh :P

    ..just bought a 'how to' computer book so off now to push some buttons 'eh

    excitedly waving at u hon,
    tracey-leigh xox

  10. OMG! Those are just stunning! Thanks for sharing the inspiration :)

  11. That is inspirational. Usually I am too tired to be creative especially when my weekend is for entertaining the little people when they come to visit their grandparents.

  12. Those are amazing! Can't wait to see the winners!

  13. Those are fantastic!! I know the feeling you were having it happened to me this week and it is such a bummer.

    So glad you met another awesome blogger, they are the best :) Have a great weekend

  14. Jenny is the best, isn't she? Love.

  15. I like it. :) I'm glad you feel recharged again. I cannot believe that the artist did this freelance just by observation.

  16. VERY VERY COOL! It's so neat to see different talents people have.

  17. what an amazing new take on a old idea. inspiring.

  18. Aw, thanks for the love! Glad to have shared some inspiration. xo Jenny


Thank you for reading. I now blog over at http://FreckledNest.typepad.com ...if you have any questions, please email me at LA[@]FreckledNest[.]com