three things :]

Rad Winnipeg Craft Sale: Tonight we practiced our Freckled Nest table setup; it's going to have a vintage kitchen/home theme... so excited to be a part of this Winnipeg Craft Sale! "This Ain't Your Grandma's Craft Sale" this Sunday (Dec13) 5-10pm at the Park Theatre in Winnipeg :) Published: Violet and I were at Michaels today and I opened Artful Blogging to discover one of my banner designs published :) Rachel's blog makeover remains one of my favorites and i was so excited to see our collaboration in print :) Cute Club: These two have become quick friends and it's so cute, Tom lays backwards in Violet's arms like a baby! Adorable!! PS. hi Kami, we loved meeting you today :)


  1. that little doggy is the cutest thing i have laid eyes on today!

  2. Thanks for making mention of that! I keep forgetting to get a picture of it!!! It was well deserved, LA!

    Linking up soon.

  3. ahhhh im visiting from ontario this weekend so i must check out the craft show!!! so excited now!

  4. It was so great to meet you ladies too, and server you lunch! (: I'm so stoked for the show my house is a mess with makings and i'm planning my table like crazy!


  5. faweel ;) love ya babe

  6. Oh Tom *melts*

    congrats on being featured. it's a beautiful banner!


Thank you for reading. I now blog over at ...if you have any questions, please email me at LA[@]FreckledNest[.]com