Pretty Presentation

wonderbra Sometimes when I'm thrifting, I buy something purely because I love the box or visual presentation :) I picked up these vintage wonderbra mauve hoses last week for that reason and someday I'll use it in an art journal or mini album :) Here are a few other happy finds I've bought just for inspiration... i bought this box for $2... * I'm finally getting into Mad Men; my friends were always like "WHAT!?! You don't watch it?!... and now I get why they were freaking, it ISSS good! I love so many things about it, the style, the fashion, the homes and S&C office, the doors of the office, the smoking (HA!) and the storyline :) It's fabulous! Since I love good advertising so much, I want to share some sweet vintage ads I'm adoring this week and at the end of this post, I'll tell you who my favorite favorite Mad Men characters are! [ the donut project ] [ credit ] [ Design by Wiktor Gorka. 1961 ] [ Ford Times, 1955 ] Fave = Big Red and Peggy. And this guy, heeelllo ;) Reminds me of my Keith and a young DeNiro and my dreams. lol! Note: I'm just finishing Season 1, no spoilers please, cough*Jill*cough ;) Happy Friday!! If you're taking Elsie and Rachel's Autumn Online Class, watch for a bonus project from me later today or this evening :) And next week, I have a big surprise!! :)


  1. Big Red is my favorite too! I love the Charlie Harper ford times ad the best of course! Ah, to be a slimy ad man (or woman in peggy case. yikes!)

  2. I'm about to start watching Mad Men, it looks fantastic :]
    that 'Hunting In Poland' print is wonderful. I love it.
    and I heart you too!

  3. omg i LOOOOOVE mad men! when i first started watching it, my mister didn't really like it, but now he's hooked on it too! i can't wait for the next season to start already!
    those are my three fave characters also - joan because she's unstoppable and cracks me up with her flirtatiousness (is that a word or did i just make it up?), peggy because she's smart and brave, and don just because he is DREAMY :)

  4. we've watched mad men a little bit, and never really got into it. but maybe we need to give it another try. i looove the old ads! that style of drawing is my favorite. i love it! have you seen matte stephens work?

    i looove you blog, and i don't comment often, but i mean to! you have the best pictures and inspiration ever!


  5. haha, we JUST started watching MadMen on netflix...bc we wanted to start at the very beginning. The first two discs both of us were intriged...but didn't like ANY* of the characters! Now we are on th elast disc of Season 1 and we cannnnnnooooootttt stop watching it! haha! I LOVE the intro music & animation, too.
    Sarah M
    At this point I don't have a favorite character other than Betty's friend who is pregnant (in season one)...I know her as "CB" from House, (our other favorite, right next to Lie to me...seriously we only watch those 3 shows, ha!)

  6. I love the pantyhose package!! It's so pretty. I do exactly the same thing - I have so much product packaging in my house it's unbelievable. I've not gotten into Mad Men yet, but I have seen a couple of episodes and loved it.

    I'm so looking forward to your bonus project, by the way!! Happy Friday x

  7. mad men... just another thing that keeps us all linked together... love!

  8. i've seriously watched almost all three seasons in the last month. Paul and I are three or four episodes away from the current one. I'm so scared about what could happen. I LOVE IT!!! also, when Paul dresses up in a suit I kind of feel like I'm married to Don Draper, without all of the infidelity and all of that business.

  9. that wonder bra package is adorable.
    i sooo need to start watching mad men!!

  10. I'm definitely not hunting in Poland

  11. I wish we had better thrift stores here in S'toon. Value Village just does not cut it is pretty ghetto!

  12. Really cool findings {this rainbow paper looks so adorable!}. Poland poster is a funny one :D I am from Poland but I've never seen a stag on a hunter. I must look out! ;)
    Love your blog!

  13. Dang, everyone keeps saying I should watch Mad Men too....hmmmm, I may have to cave in and do it!! Hugs!!

  14. this is a very beautiful post! so glad you're getting into mad men! i just got into it before season 3 started (my coworker let me borrow the first two seasons) i love it! isn't it wonderful to look at?


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