Color Sunday (Week1)

[via Brooklyn Bride ] Since I was a little girl, color has always been my favorite method of inspiration and still remains to be! Join me every Sunday for a feature sharing Colorful Images that make me feel bright, happy and inspired! Enjoy... [ Abby trys Again ] [ my Photo ] [ Keetra Dean Dixon ] [ via Lights and Shadow ] [ Shabooyah ] 20090529030026 [ Richard Perez ] [ Yorktown Road ] [ Ruiz Company ] [ Andy Gilmore ] [ via Scholars and Fellows ] [ via Faithvixen ] [ Kharied ] [ via I bet you look good on the Dance Floor ] Next Sunday, Color induced by Light. Love Leigh-Ann


  1. wow these photos are amazing, i can see why you are inspired by photos - fab!!!

  2. Great photos! Love the rainbow of colors.

  3. oh so lovely, can you believe all those shoes!

  4. I love this post!! I too am inspired by color. I try to surround myself with as much of it as I possibly can. I'll look forward to reading this each Sunday :)


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