my new business cards are fun!

I ordered moo cards. They arrived yesterday and they're so fabulous! Each ones different and they use pictures I've taken&selected for the fronts :) I'm totally in love with each one! Here's some of my favorites... In case you're curious, this is what I photo'd the cards on :) It's a children's vintage ironing board I picked up for our future nursery. It's [being a mom] still a big dream I think about lots. xo :]


  1. I was thinking about ordering moo cards the other day. I love your photos, they're so vibrant, especially on these little cards!

  2. ooh i LOVE moo cards, so cool!!! love that vintage ironing board too, i want me one of those xx

  3. I've been eyeing up Moo cards for ages, totally jealous! I need to get some more cool pics in Flickr to take advantage of them! :)

  4. Moo cards are so gorgeous! My sister and I made some up for my Dad. He didn't even realize they were his own photographs at first! :)

  5. for christmas (or my birthday?) a few years ago, my friend set me up with my current flickr account, made me a book with some of my pictures in it, and moo business cards :) all without my knowledge before hand. it was a wonderful surprise! yours look fabulous!!

  6. The cards are amazing! what a wonderful idea!

  7. What a great idea for business cards!!!!! Those are sooooooo great!!!! I love them sooo much!!! Looking at them makes me happpyyyyy! :)

  8. Those look awesome..did they cost a lot? I can't wait to run out of mine lol and maybe order some cooler ones!! ;)

  9. I ordered 100 cards, only $20us! And shipping from UK was only $6, and pretty fast! Totally a great deal!! :)

  10. OMG..I'd love to have some of those cute photos. :)

  11. They look great!
    I totally had a kiddie ironing board and loved it. Wish I still had it.

  12. How cute!
    My FAV is the one with all the dried circle water paints...yummy! 'book' is all put together now but trying to sew the binding was a bitch...grrr...but it's all together now, SO i just hafta add pics and embellies! (but i think i will photograph it 'ready to go' style so it's not so overwhelming for the newbies!)'re awesome LA!! thanks again for sharing such a beautiful and inspiring project!

  13. Your cards are fabulous!! OH my gosh! I have no idea how you picked a favorite! I like the type writer!

  14. OMG cutest on the cards!

  15. these are all so cute!! :)
    wonderful cards!!

  16. moo cards! i am going to order some someday. i just have to take more pics so i have some i want to use. i am jealous. lol.

  17. Moo cards are the best :) :)
    Love that cute ironing board!


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