26 Olive Street

It's my new favorite etsy shop. 26OliveStreet :] Cute name hey?! Staci and Alex are the super cute couple that run 26 Olive Street. They have SUCH a great eye for amazing vintage and presentation! Go take a look at their super cute Etsy and website :) It's juicy!!! Here's some randoms & TMI's... 1. We had drive thru starbucks today. Keith wouldn't get me a sleeve, he says "toughin up". 2. February was a good month. I made full salary again. I'm so excited, I'm tempted to say how much. But that's tacky right? And my mom will say, "Leigh-Ann, you just don't tell things like that". >$1786!!! ShhhhhhIT!< She'd say, "it's like telling who you vote for. It's private." Which I never thought made sense. She wouldn't say who, but then... if you looked at the front yard, there was a bright orange sign saying "Vote for Bill Blakey". 3. We rented 8Mile tonight. I now have a weensy crush on Eminem. He's a babe. 4. It's 2am and we're gonna craft :) I love my boyfriend :) It's the weekennnnd! Yay!!


  1. yay enjoy crafting!!! thanks for the link to the etsy shop, going to have a wee look now!!!

  2. I am finishing Dog Whisperer then I think it's time for a little craft and cooking.

  3. aww he crafts with you??! What does he do?

  4. My lovely boy crafts with me too...its sorty sweet! Melts my heart every time! I am loving that etsy shop. Totally rad! Oh, and congrats on making full salary...perhaps you can give me some pointers!

  5. he does :) Keith builds awesome model cars!! http://superiorscale.blogspot.com/

    pointers... hmmm. don't give up, get your name out there and offer different things in a variety of pricepoints. People like being able to order things custom :) hope this helps :)

  6. 1. He is sexy in that silly bad boy way.

    2. Awesome, He crafts with you??

  7. yep :) we craft together almost every evening; one of our favorite things to do :)

  8. Some tricks never get old (hee hee).
    That is so awesome LA!!!

  9. my mom would not tell me who she voted for either. It think it is funny. I LOVE that you made your salary again! HOORAY!

  10. Hi Leigh-Ann and Keith, just came back from the lake and catching up on my BLOG addiction (couldn't get the internet this weekend). Wish you could have been there. :(

    Don't you know that I know what those little blank spaces are in the middle of your stories on your blog Leigh-Ann. And I think we only put a Bill Blakie sign up once because it is nobody's business who I'm voting for. BUT CONGRATULATIONS Leigh-Ann, that's AWESOME, I'm happy for you!!!

    Love you, miss you, talk to you maybe tomorrow.

    Love Momma


Thank you for reading. I now blog over at http://FreckledNest.typepad.com ...if you have any questions, please email me at LA[@]FreckledNest[.]com