
Still sick with a head cold... hopefully it goes away soon. Q. When you sniff in hard, can you feel compressing in your teeth? I was telling this to Jamie, and she said that has never happened to her. Happy Snotty Friday :)


  1. Oh dear. Get well soon! Snuggle up with your blankets, doggies and cup o' soup and get lots of rest :)

    P.S. I've never heard of that sniffing/teeth thing. But sometimes, if I'm reall stuffed up and I try to blow my nose, air bubbles come out of my eyes. Does that help? :D

  2. I do hope you're feeling much better soon, my dear!!!

    But I do beg to differ on one eensy teensy thing...I believe you said you were snorting and your teeth were compressing...THAT I can't imagine. ;P
    Now sniffing, I can understand. Snorting is another story entirely. LOL

  3. lol, i was attempting public elegance Jamie ;)
    HA, ya right my mom would say ;)

  4. ooh, if you feel pressure in your teeth from sniffing, might be a sign of a sinus infection! at least that's what i was told by my doctor. he gave me antibiotics and it cleared the whole thing up. hope you feel better soon!!

  5. Hope you´ll feel better soon LA!
    Ciddle with Keith and stay warm. :)

  6. Oh, ok. Sorry. My bad.
    "Sniffing" Yes, sniffing. ;)
    It is a dainty word indeed.

  7. Oh gosh I know exactly how your feeling. My head feels about 5 times bigger than normal..

    When you sniff really hard you can feel it in your Gums lol.

    ...being sick is the poo!
    Feel Better!

  8. Hey there ya crazy thang!! You had better get to feeling's Friday!! It should be a snot-free Friday! haha
    Well, I get to be on Vicodin all day! Yay me..It's PILL FRIDAY for me! lol
    (got the ol' wisdom teeth pulled yesterday)
    Talk to ya soon! ;P

  9. Cup a soup! That's not real soup!

    Feel bettter soon!

  10. Sinus + teeth = totally connected

    Be careful about blowing your nose too hard or you'll mess up your ears as well. My doctor says 'snuff it back' - totally disgusting of course but compared to blowing out an ear drum like I did last time, it's probably practical.

    At least it's the weekend and you have Keithcake to pamper you. Get well in a giffy sniffy.

  11. Hope you feel better soon. :)

    The sniffing/teeth thing definitely sounds like your sinuses, and it's horrible. Avoiding dairy until it's gone is really helpful. Inhaling helps, too - boiling water/steam on its own or with Olbas Oil. Good luck!

  12. dude, get out of my head...i'm having sinus issues too and while i've never experienced teeth compressions...when i sniff/snort/hack it feels like there is a scrunchie woven through my brain, my eyes, my ears and my teeth and it's way too small but it keeps getting wrapped tighter and tighter. so not eloquent but i feel like caca (sp?) and look even worse :)

    ps. if your snot is yellow, you're infected fellow. i'm a poet too.

  13. dude, get out of my head...i'm having sinus issues too and while i've never experienced teeth compressions...when i sniff/snort/hack it feels like there is a scrunchie woven through my brain, my eyes, my ears and my teeth and it's way too small but it keeps getting wrapped tighter and tighter. so not eloquent but i feel like caca (sp?) and look even worse :)

    ps. if your snot is yellow, you're infected fellow. i'm a poet too.

  14. Kinsey is right, so if it's yellow, get thee to a doc!
    I once thought I had a cold for 12 days. I was just determined it was NOT a sinus infection because I'd never had one. Well, guess what? I'd had the worst sinus infection of the century for 12 days! Got the antibiotic and I was good as new.

  15. There are a lot of reasons your teeth may clentch or feel pressure or hurt when you are ill. You could just have a virus and it's attack your nerves. Everything in your face is connected, including your teeth.

    Do you have NHS in Canada? If so just go to the Dr. :) ox

  16. NICE!!! Hope you feel better soon LA.... Pwwfff...Happy Snotty crack me up!!!

  17. the sniffling teeth thing happens when you have a sinus infection.

  18. Hey, LA, just thought you might want to know that I am having a BOY! We found out Friday.

  19. Ugh- a headcold is pretty yuck... but at least you aren't barfing?

    I've awarded you with a lemonade award for your blog! Come to my blournal to get the details for what to do! -e


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