My new vintage toy & the eco-journal winner :]


  1. Ooh... I had one like that when I was *Much* younger. I think we got it from a garage sale down the block from my house. It was when the electric typewriters were coming into fashion.

    I love the sound of a typewriter. My Dad used to peck away at his late into the night. The memory of it still makes me sleepy!

    Enjoy your new find!


  2. your new vintage toy is awesome. and so pretty!! :)

    congrats marigold!!

  3. oops... sorry for the rush of the comment. ;)

  4. Well, thankfully I have completely failed to download Poladroid because right now I have WORK TO DO!!!! But come this evening, with hubby in the building - poladroid play time! Hurrah! Great link! (except he needs to simulate the smelly peely paper bit for true authenticity! And the sense of complete financial ruin if a photo isn't worth keeping!)t.x

  5. Oooh, I love your new toy!! Very nice and totally fun!!

  6. cutie little typewriter! where did you get this great find?


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