"have mercy"

'member that episode where uncle jesse sang aunt becky that song (no wait--- maybe it was to nicky and alex)? and his hair looked perfect. and there was a video. kinda sepia-feel. and he was so dreamy. this jeremy larson song reminds me of that every time. same sound in the voice..and song style. (i don't mean jeremy copied. just reminds me of.) which brings me to my next point :) this movie. me and kode are so amped on seeing it) To be noted: i totally described that uncle jesse thing from memory from when i was like 12. THEN i found the video. Impressive, i know ;)


  1. I'm commenting!!!

    That is too funny - it really does have a Jesse feel - we watch a lot of Full House around here - my kids love it!!

  2. ROFL!!!!!! (to the video) He sang that to Becky on their wedding day!!! He accompanied on the piano and the choir sang "back-up". I loved that song (at the time! :P) I also loved Uncle Jessie! :P Ah, Full House.
    "How rude!"
    "Well pin a rose on your nose"
    "You got it dude!"


  3. oh lord, I just watched the trailer for step brothers haven't seen it on t.v. yet....looks hilarious!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA the bunk bed just collapsed!!! :P


  4. Okay your right about the video's....LOL

  5. Have Mercy is right... I forgot how hot Uncle Jesse was!

  6. i SOOOO thought the same thing when i first heard that jeremy larson song (it's one of my favorites) it's the way he says "forever"!!! maybe jeremy wrote uncle jesse (and the rippers)'s hit back in the day?! lol

  7. The second Jeremy sang "forever" I was like NO WAY!!!!!! Oh my gosh!! Totally channeling Uncle Jesse. I knew exactly what you were talking about without even watching the Full House clip. Hahaha.

    But for real, Jeremy's voice is amazing.

  8. YAYYYYY! Hi Val!! Good job :)

    Bobbi, you always make me laugh :)

    lisa marie: love the rippers reference ;)

    my very fave songs are Make Believe and Swim.

    amanda ross, you are so great :)

    kristen, i crave 7up whenever i see your picture ;)

    YAY!!!!! IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! :)

  9. I just snorted! I love Will F and John C.R.

    I've watched Blades of Glory five times in the past two weeks and it just keeps getting funnier.

  10. Love it! :) Jeremy has the best voice! He's a cool guy :)
    And Uncle Jessie was the hottest uncle to ever walk around in ripped jeans and leather :) :)

  11. that was seriously awesome.
    Uncle Jesse. SO hot right now.
    "if every word i said could make you laugh i'd talk forever..."
    sigh. and i'd listen.


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