Today I wanna do a fun giveaway all about kindness :) Along with your name and email, share
What's the nicest thing somebodies ever done for you? The winner will receive 200 pretty vintage buttons picked by me :) Love you all, Leigh-Ann
ps. Winner drawn & announced Monday :] Giveaway open worldwide.
pps. feature coming tonight.
ppps. 14 comments have come in so far, and i'm already getting happy-tears! thank you for touching my heart with your stories!
nicest thing anyone has done is traveled across the country to surprise me on my birthday
ReplyDeleteI think the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me is forgive me when I've been awful. That's a real friend.
ReplyDeleteLeigh-Ann...must say that pic of you is gorgeous! You are so beautiful! xx
ReplyDeleteNicest thing anyone has ever done for me would have to be..Hmmm...
I'd have to say that my husband suggesting I "retire" at the age of 39 and stay home to craft is the nicest thing anyone could have done...not to mention the daily encouragement I get from him...priceless :)
My daughter sent me a beaded bird for my fireplace...you see, she is away at college and she is flat broke and to have her save what little money she had and buy something so meaningful for me is the nicest thing that's been done for me lately! Love her!
ReplyDeletemy father knowing I needed his support badly drove all night and then took me to see the local Marine Corps recruiter and stood by my side through boot camp, school and several deployments. He was and still is my biggest cheerleader.
ReplyDeleteIts hard to think of the nicest thing... my friend was in the states at a conference and brought me back my two american favourites: Milky way chocolate bars and cherry coke. He bought me three different sizes of Milky ways because he thought they were different flavours:) Its nice when someone remembers what you like...it means they really listen and care about you.
ReplyDeletehow sweet! my best friend moved in with me while i was pregnant to help me and potentially be my birth partner whilst my husband, who is in the military, was away. having her there before and after my son's birth was.... i cannot even describe how much it meant to us. it was amazing, and we will forever be grateful.
ReplyDeletethe nicest thing would have to be my fiance throwing me a birthday party while i was in the hospital. super sweet!
ReplyDeletethe nicest things someone has ever done for me...... asked me to be her wife..... it's an easy one for me!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I LOVE buttons! I have been so blessed with kindnes in my life I really don't know where to start! My mom gave me life and a strong person to look up to, my husband gave me my little girl Izzy and so much happiness and my ex-husband gave me my oldest children, Ragan and Nash, my kids make me smile everyday with the quarky things that they do and say, my mother in law gave me a sewing machine and taught me how to use it, my new blog friends for always inspiring me! The list could go on and on, but these are just a few that came to mind! Thanks for all of your inspiration and projects that you share with all of your blog readers, that is pretty nice too! (0;
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful day!
I'm fortunate enough to have a very amazing family, and they're always willing to lend a helping hand. I had accrued some serious debt after college, so my mama offered to pay it all off for me, as long as I paid her back. I happily obliged. Last Christmas, Mom informed me that I didn't need to pay her back anymore, even though I still had a significant chunk left to pay. I told her I was still more than willing to pay her back, but she said she just wanted me to have a clean slate and fresh start, debt free! Needless to say, it was a very merry Christmas, indeed!
ReplyDeleteI go through changes more than anyone I have ever met. I always come up with huge ideas that are probably crazy to most everyone else. I often times will tell Dakota about them. Most recently I told him that I want to quit my job and go to school. He said "Do It!" He is leaving the military next month and I am leaving my place here...we are changing our entire life, and I am going to go to school! I love him for being so supportive. ZoiHoku143@Yahoo.com (Renay)
ReplyDeleteI love when someone does something nice and unexpected.. like the other day a friend handed me a lovely wrapped package with a journal that totally suited me just because.. it's those just because gifts that get me :)
ReplyDeleteI had been at the hospital with my terminally ill dad for several days without going home. One morning, I saw a man in the hallway eating a Mrs. Baird's cinnamon roll. Having already looked for them in the vending machine and not finding any, I asked him where he got it. At the minute market, he told me. Ah...I replied, so much for that because I'll be here. The next morning, I heard a knock on my dad's door. I peeked out the little window and there was the man, holding up a Mrs. Baird's cinnamon roll package for me to see. He had stopped off at the market and bought it for me. I never saw him again, but that just meant the world to me. That was nine years ago and I still cherish the memory. :-)
ReplyDeleteHey Leigh-Ann,
ReplyDeletethe nicest thing somebody has ever done to me was my Mom when I just moved into my new apartement last month. This whole apartement was very dirty, because they just renovated it (it took them a whole year) but didn't clean it before I moved in. My Mom (who isn't in a very good health condition) actually spend two whole days cleaning the windows, my kitchen, the floors and just about everything! She was such a great help and withouth her I couldn't have done it. She definitely is THE BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE!!! I'm so grateful to God that He gave me my Mom!!!
And since I'm a huge fan of buttons, I'm hoping to win this giveaway!! (sunrise_regina@gmx.de)
My sister is a total sweetie and will get me little gifts out of the blue all the time. And they never cost her much, but they are always so thoughtful and perfect for me. I dont know why she is so nice to me I was an awful big sister growing up!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was having a really hard time one of my teachers supported me. I e-mailed her everyday. Once she slept with her family at friends for a few days. She went home everyday to check her e-mail and answer me. It wasn't sure if I would make it through that weekend, but she helped me through. I didn't know at that time that she was going home everyday so she could answer me. One year later she told me.
ReplyDeleteDuring my "tough period" she had also pain, a nerve illness. Still she was always there for me. Every day, every night. Even when she was having pain, she let me call her.
I've been such a fool and this woman didn't leave me. She choose to sit next to me and just hold my hand. She changed my life. From monochrome grey to colour view.
It was the nicest thing someone ever did.
one of the nicest things someone has done for me is anonymously given me $400 every few months when i was a struggling single mom... i later found out it was one of my good guy friends. he was such a blessing to me and never asked for anything in return... in fact, he never wanted me to find out it was him. he still doesn't know that i know he was the one who helped me out all those years ago...
My husband had just gotten a new job out of town where our kids and I would be moving also. The original plan was for us to stay at our home and wait till we could all join him. Our good friends that lived in the town he got his job offered their home to us. Us being 3 kids ages 6,5,3 and my husband and I and our dog (who is a hyper alaskan eskimo who is 3). They also allowed us to store all of our stuff in their garage (a house full of stuff). It has been 3 months and we just found a home to rent and our friends are still our friends and have truly blessed us.
ReplyDeleteHi. The nicest thing...I would have to say my husband. I went off the deep end a few years ago with an eating disorder. He was the most supportive ever. We made it through and all is well.
ReplyDeleteSeveral years ago, my 24 year old daughter told me as she watched how her friends got along with their families that she had a wonderful bringing up.
ReplyDeleteMy friend that I work with gave me the sweetest and most thoughtful gift for my birthday last year...her last box of polaroid film!:) Sometimes it's the little things that can be the sweetest!
ReplyDeleteLove your picture!!!
ReplyDeletethe nicest thing anyone has done for me...
My mom, sister and my now fiance planned our engagement with a surprise engagement party immediately following. My whole family was there dressed in yellow (my favorite color) and I was the only one in white. I felt so special and loved, and just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.
you can see pictures here: http://lauraplopez.blogspot.com/2010/01/our-engagement-party-part-ii.html
Thanks for the amazing giveaway... I love buttons so much :)
The nicest, most generous thing that someone has ever done for me is the month-long trip my husband allowed me to take to be with my parents right after I had a miscarriage. My husband was still finishing up the semester at university, but he knew that being home and having to deal with the at-home responsibilities was too much for me to handle. He called my mom, they both set up the entire trip, and he told me that he was taking me to California the next day (only to drive back the 9 hours the next day so he could get back to school).
ReplyDeleteThe fact that he was willing to be without me for a month so I could grieve in the sunshine instead of the snow was so thoughtful and wonderful of him.
Thanks for letting me share.
Kris Mazy - kris@krismazy.com
ReplyDeleteMy second child was born REALLY sick and there was this lady at our church that would come and vacuum and do laundry for me several times a week... just because.
the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me has happened over the last 7 months - i lost my job last summer, which left me down in the dumps and not feeling all the great about myself in general. my husband has gone out of his way to make sure that i know i am appreciated and that i am loved and needed. its not one specific thing, but his actions and words and the little things he does for me on a daily basis. i am so happy i have him in my life!
ReplyDeleteMy father in law has suprized us a few times with the thoughful things he does. One year we went on vacation for for 1 week. When we got back, we parked the car and walked into a totally new back yard! It was completely landscaped and decorated beautifully! He even fixed our fence! I was speechless and still am. How can you repay someone like that?
ReplyDeleteI'm fortunate to have many wonderful people in my life, but my most recent memory of a thoughtful act is from this past Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy teenage daughter spent most of 2 days of her Christmas vacation (very precious time when the mall and friends are constantly luring her away!) making me a handmade gift. It's a painting I will cherish forever.
Wow thats tough! I feel like every nice action is the nicest thing someone has done for me! People have always been so kind to me. I would have to say that my fiance does the sweetest little things though- like buying me a bracelet that I had wanted since I had known him, or bringing me the works when I'm sick. It all adds up and I appreciate him so so much. I'm a lucky gal.
the nicest things are when people remember what you´ve told them. for example a co-worker of mine made a weekend trip to her hometown and they have a chocolate factory there. we had talked about how the one chocolates tastes so good and i told her they were my faves. when she came back to work, she had a little surprise for me: the chocolates i love. :)
ReplyDeleteI injured my knee and could not put my foot on the ground for three months. In that time I got a blood clot and had to go to the lab daily to have blood drawn so they could check my levels. Yep, that really says daily...the only day I wasn't pricked by a needle was on Sunday. I couldn't drive and I found who my real friends were by all those that came over early in the morning to take me to the lab before they went to work. It was so helpful and I will never be able to repay those people!
ReplyDeleteDuring finals, one of my friends came over and made my bed for me on a day when I was super stressed out and when making my bed (or taking a shower, or eating, etc.) was the last thing on my mind. Even though it didn't seem like a big deal, to have that one little thing taken care of helped me relax and I think I got a good nights sleep as well! It made my room look cleaner and I felt more relaxed and ready to face my tests. Its the little things that people do that makes all the difference, I think.
ReplyDelete"just because" gifts make me so happy. My husband is the best at this and sees gifts for me everywhere. He makes me feel like he's always thinking about me.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing ever done for me was the day I found an envelope with $25 + a note written with," hope this will get you out of your jam". To this day I do not know who left it for me but it was the exact amount I needed to pay a credit card bill I had. That month I had over spent and was left with nothing for my visa. It was the best feeling ever to know I would not accrue late fees. I then paid it forward. Last year my Mama was not paying attention to her ending on her credit card. Meaning she would pay the year and a half financing so I paid the entire sun of $500 and never asked for the money back. That is the beauty of good deeds they tend to multiple rather quickly. I love it! Thanks!!
ReplyDeletehiya darling! you are too adorable in that picture!
ReplyDeletethe nicest thing was that my mom made me a quilt 2 years ago for christmas. she isn't very crafty and it took her over 6 months to make. i sleep with that blanket every night. she lives in las vegas, so it is a little piece of home.
My boyfriend always takes me to work everday, And everyday, he also picks me up from work. Currently, He's been sick for days and never did he fail to break from this routine. He said it wouldn't be his health he'd be worrying about. Rather, it's my safety. It's the selflessness that touches my heart <3
ReplyDeleteThis week I have been experiencing lots of kindness...
ReplyDeleteI have been wanting to go to art school for some time now. A little background: I'm transferring from another school, but I don't have the money to pay the remaining balance at my other school, so they will not give me my transcripts. If I don't turn in my transcripts to the art school I won't get credit for the 60 hours that I have completed. I had been talking to my admissions counselor, and had planned on starting in April, hoping that I would have the $4000 paid off by then. Little did I know that she was doing everything that she could to get me into school this quarter!
She called me on Monday and told me that she had worked out a deal where I could start this week! When I went to get everything set up, she went with me to every office and made sure that I was getting the best help and everything settled.
She did much much more than what is in her job description, and I am so thankful for her.
Also because I just found out on Monday that I would be starting school, I already had my work schedule for the next two weeks. The people that I work with switched around their schedules so that I won't miss any classes.
I am surrounded by the kindest people.
What a blessing...
I would love to also be surrounded by 200 lovely vintage buttons!!
Thanks Leigh-Ann!
I went to visit my brother in Winnipeg this Decemeber and didn't quite expect the cold. We were walking for what seemed whatever and he gave me his scarf and sweater. He also gave up his room for me and slept on an old couch. For my brother to do this is truley amazing. I just wish I could be there to help in now, as he has mono and a house with no plumbing.
There are so many nice things. Since my husband has come into my life I have been blessed by him and his amazing family. If I were to pull out one amazing memory it would be that his parents open their home to us, our family and friends and let us hold our wedding at their house when our original location/vendor/caterer/etc. cancelled on us 3 months prior to the set date. It felt like everything we had worked so hard for had just fallen through the cracks. But they jumped in and saved the day and it was more beautiful and amazing than I could have ever asked for.
ReplyDeletep.s. Those buttons would be perfeeeeect for Style School projects!! <3
My daughter cooks every meal, bakes me my favorite desserts and cleans my house. It is not one thing she does but all the daily things she does. I am the most blessed Mama out their. She is the nicest person! <3
ReplyDeleteRita B.
My friend Sarah has been there for me through a lot of hard times. And she stays up with me no matter how late it is or even that she has to work in the next day. I love that she's always there, and I am the same for her. Even though we live far apart, we're always there for each other and send each other gifts to cheer the other up.
ReplyDeleteThe best gift I ever received was the gift of my son - received from his birthmother and birthfather!
The nicest thing anyone has done for me was when my father-in-law gave me a macbookpro! Total shock and suprise!
My car was recently broken into and my computer was stolen. I do all of my work on my computer and had no way to buy a new one. And my grandmother and parents got together and helped buy me a new one even better than my last. It was really one of the nicest things anyone has ever done... as I'm typing on it right now I just feel so lucky!
ReplyDeleteHi :)
ReplyDeleteI only recently discovered your blog, but I love buttons (Just like the rest of your blog)!
I think my boyfriend is the nicest person I know, always caring for me when I worry or when I feel sad, especially now I'm having exams. He also writes me the sweetest letters and gives those nice little gifts, or he drives me to where I have to be in his car, so I don't have to walk in the freezing cold.. It's just an endless list of sweet things! Of course I'm trying to do the same for him :) (except the driving, as I can't drive yet :p )
dreamingofabutterfly at gmail dot com
when our family was struck by a huge tragedy friends turned up with home cooked meals for us so i wouldn't have to
My family hosted a surprise welcome home party years ago when I thought no one knew of my arrival. It was the greatest thing since it had been years for some of us seeing each other!
The nicest thing somebody has done for me? I received a personal email from one of my blog friends that really and truly helped me build up the courage to face some things I was letting get to me. I know that if I just need to shoot an email off to her I can and she'll read it and help with words as much as she can.
ReplyDeleteI also have another friend I went to university with who I know is ready to call up and be there whenever I need her. She has done me a few favours and knows that if she needs a favour I'll do it for her. Kindest thing she did recently was offer to buy me a drink on her birthday!! (I was recently made redundant and am having trouble finding work so she refused to even let me buy one for her!!).
There are so many things that my parents and boyfriend do as well but these are the ones that have happened recently so I can still remember them, hehe!
That picture of you is ADORABLE!
ReplyDeleteRecently, my husband and I have had quite a financial...ya, no finances actually. about a week ago I opened my mailbox to find an envelope with a card with some scriptures about always trust in the Lord bc He WILL provide. Enclosed was a hundred dollar bill.
It was anonymous, so no one wanted credit for it. I'd have to say, that's one of the nicest things someone's ever done for us!
mae annette
The nicest thing someone did for me, was become an organd donar and donate their kidney so my dad wouldn't be sick anymore.
Last year on my birthday i went to a friends flat for pre-drinks and she surprised me with cupcakes! I was so touched because i was SO surprised & everyone loves cupcakes right?
ReplyDeletep.s. you look SUPER pretty today!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh LA that picture of you is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteLove love love!
Hmm lets see. It's not so much what was done, but what was said. I just had a little teary cry at my office desk :) /embarrassing.
I was leaving one day last summer with my then B/F to drive home which was about 4 hours away. We said goodbye and as we made it to the car door - my dad yelled out down the street. "You be careful with her - She's precious cargo; my little girl"
It was probably the sweetest thing ever. As he never really shows his feeling like that.
On of the best days ever :)
XO. Kyla
My husband does little things for me all the time. He loves going to auctions and even though he thinks I have too many craft things he still manages to come home most of the time with a craft-y thing he finds just because I may like it. He does many other small and big things for me everyday. I love him very much.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing someone has done for me was when I had surgery to remove a tumor from my neck last year. I lived far from my closest friends and family, and my mom was the only one came out to support me, and stayed with me at the hospital the entire two days. After getting out of the hospital, she spent the next two weeks taking care of me as I recovered.
Oh wow.. reading these comments makes me a little emotional!
ReplyDeleteFor two different summer, I nannied three kids. A ten year old girl and twin six year olds: one boy, one girl. They always had chores they had to do before they were allowed to play outside- and it was ALWAYS a feat getting those chores finished. ANd then... The little boy, Clark, was extremely picky and would only eat sandwiches certain sandwiches for lunch (no crust, peanut butter on only half the piece of bread that was then folded over with smushed banana between the fold).
The day before I moved to college was the last day I was going to nanny them, and it was Clark's idea for them to be on their best behavior, clean the house, watch a movie I wanted to watch, and make me lunch. Which of course was a peanut butter sandwich with no crust, peanut butter on half the piece of bread that was then folded over with a smushed banana between the fold.
Okay, seriously the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was what my dad did for me in high school. When I was in high school my best friend (and now roommate!) and I loved 'N Sync and they were coming to a town three hours away. We tried soooo hard to get tickets the day they went on sale, but to no avail. We were sad but kept trying and wishing and hoping that we would get tickets somehow. The day of the show, no tickets. But that day my dad was listening to the radio and they were giving away tickets, he called in and won!! So, he came to school, checked my bestie and I out, and drove us all the way to the show, waited around during the show, and then drove us back!! What a great dad!!! I still can't believe it! :D
ReplyDeleteHi! I'm Cassandra... caloynd@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis really is a hard one...but I know what it is...
My best friend has been my best friend since she was 3 years old and I was 6... she's more like family now & I'll never trade her no matter what tries to come between us. She recently got married and moved to Missouri...but right before she left we visited her grandma (which I have known this entire time...who has severe alzheimers). While we were there her grandma was showing us her "junk" room... it was filled with old sewing machines & globes & typewriters...anywhoo... This amazing old lady who forgot who I was gave me a typewriter & a sewing machine...just for visiting her. She thanked us for visiting her because it's so hard not knowing who anyone is...she said our lovely faces brightened her day. =) She's an amazing woman who brightened my day!
... it feels like I'm surrounded by nice friends ... small things can make me happy ... a selfmade postcard to wish me luck with my pregnancy, from someone who just had a miscarriage ...
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun give away!
ReplyDeleteA few years ago, I was away at college and my boyfriend of two years crushed my heart into a million tiny pieces...I was so broken. I called my mom, and she immediately drove two hours to pick me up off of the floor, and take me home to sleep in my own bed. She drove me back the next morning in time for my 9:00 class, and while I was gone, she made me lunch and cleaned up my apartment.
In July I got married to the man of my dreams, and I am so SO happy. But I think back on that time often, and I can't help but feel as if I wouldn't have made it through without her. More than a clean apartment, and my bed at home to sleep in...I needed her shoulder to cry on, her listening ear, and her gentle voice. She's the best. I am so very thankful for her.
The nicest thing someone did for me was probably when my boyfriend was in Sweden on an internship..he should have been there for 6 months and come home in the end of January..but he arranget it somehow and managed to be home before Xmas :))
ReplyDeleteBtw I also thing that the picture of you in this post is like..super cute!
My brother donated his kidney when I was very sick in the hospital. He didn't even think twice about it and he never acts as though I owe him anything. He is the most beautiful person and knowing that someone loves me enough to give up a part of his self is overwhelming.
ReplyDeleteWhen my mom past away last year my friends, coworkers, and family stood by me and didn't press me. They allowed me time to grieve and to do it in my own way without questions. For that I am eternally grateful.
ReplyDeleteleigh-ann! i just have to say you look absolutely breathtaking in this picture! i always think you look amazing but today...i literally gasped!!! gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! i swear, i haven't even read your post yet haha...i just had to tell you! okay, i'm going to actually read it now!
the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was probably when my aunt and uncle paid for the homebirth of my baby boy.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing someone did for me was giving me support and patience in our friendship while I had a rough time during my not so planned pregnancy :)
ReplyDeleteFriends, family are very important and I love them!
I love buttons yays! :)
aww what a sweet idea for a giveaway :)
ReplyDeletemy boyfriend is definitely responsible for some of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. last year when i was very sick, he took it upon himself to be my nurse. i think it partly struck me so much because i hadn't even known him that long, and he was always trying to act like this tough guy who was NOO softie :)
he set his alarm for every four hours throughout the nite just so that he could get up and make sure i took my medicine. nevermind the fact that he had to get up early for work in the morning, and i was the one who was going to sit at home the next day sleeping :) he also went out to the store in the middle of the night to get me sick supplies, and made me homemade soup. i don't know what i would have done without him...and happily he is still my favorite nurse :D
erin rahel
my two year old, i try not to cry around him, but we all have our moments, but the first time i did he came over to me with a very concerned look on his face, and said 'sad?' and wiped my tears away and gave me a big hug kept repeating ok, ok... and he still does it any time since.
ReplyDeletei've had many people do kind things for me, but that had to defiently be the kindest, and to know you are raising your child to have compassion towards others is a great thing!
in late 2007 i decided to end a long-term relationship, because it wasn't good for me.
ReplyDeletemy family and most friends chose my ex's side, but 2 amazing girls helped me through all of it. over months. they helped me believe i could do it, not to care what anyone else thought, and that it was worth doing. the nicest, and most important thing anyone has ever done.
wow and it seems like a lifetime ago....!
melaniegodecki gmail com
and you do look great in that pic!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI used to have a really kickass boss who, when I was going through some finance trouble gave me the day off and handed me a wad of cash saying--don't even pay me back. We've all been there. I miss her :(
ReplyDeleteabout 2.5 years ago, the boy and i were having a lot of problems...we were both so young and our long distance relationship was wearing me down. one sunday morning i called him and ended things with him. i told him there was too much space between us, physically and emotionally. i told him not to call me again. on the following tuesday at 4am i got a call. not looking i picked it up. on the other end of the line, i heard him, out of breath ask me to come outside. i did and as i looked down the road i saw him running towards my house. he had no car and he lived 4 hours away...he had walked all the way to my house to win me back. and we've been together ever since. *tear*
ReplyDeleteOh I love that pic of you! It looks great! :)
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing? That's really hard! I'm a lucky girl to be blessed often :)
I'd have to say the nicest thing anyone has done for me is love me for who I am, no matter what & no strings attached. You see, I'm not an easy person to be around sometimes (lol) and for someone to be with me during my good days AND my bad...well, that's amazing! :D
I guess I would have to say just the support I got from my friends and family as I was going through my divorce. They really showed they cared about my happiness no matter what choices I had to make to get there.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone has done for me is my husband supported me and understood me while I was going through depression.
ReplyDeleteI think the nicest thing is just my husband, children, and family's unconditional love. It really just doesn't get better than that, especially since those are the people who see you at your absolute worst.
ReplyDeleteSarah M
Im a HUGE Vintage Button Freak!
ReplyDeleteOne of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me? My finace (boyfriend at the time) flew me all the way to Hawaii for my birthday! And as if that wasn’t enough, he proposed to me on a moonlight beach! He made me feel like the most special person on earth!
xoxo Julie
My best friend contacted everyone important in my life (even tracked down old friends I hadn't seen in years) and videotaped them talking about how we met and why they love me. She compiled this amazing video for me and gave it as an xmas gift in 2005. I just re-watched it this xmas and cried the whole time!
ReplyDeletewhat a BEAUTIFUL photo of you LA!
ReplyDeleteone of the main things that sticks out in my mind is when, a long time ago now, a serious relationship that i was in ended abruptly, and i was left out here pretty much alone, with nothing... my mom flew out here in a flash to help me find a place to live and get all the things i needed to help me feel comfy, safe and settled. (i have fond memories of shopping with her at value village for fun vintage-y kitchen items and furniture.) she even brought some of her own things to give me. and she did all of this even though she didn't have much of her own to begin with. and even though we didn't have the best relationship. and even though i insisted to her (and everyone else) that i was fine.
it really meant a lot to me. (i still get teary-eyed just thinking about it :)
Growing up, I was fortunate to have 1). very creative parents and 2). a very understanding local librarian. I was a huge reader, but was not so great at returning books on time. They worked togther to set up a special account for me - with fines paid in advance! This way, the library was supported and I didn't have to constantly hand over my baby-sitting money. It was truly the most thoughtful gift I have ever recieved...and I'm now in school for Library Studies!
Erica Penton
At the end of last year, my friend Kim asked me to go for a walk after work. While we were walking, she turned to me and said that she knew I was very unhappy and that I wasn't getting the support I needed. She asked me what she could do to help me. She helped my get help and continues to be a tower of strength and positivity for me. It was the nicest thing someone has done for me in a very long time.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, people are so nice that it's hard to say what the nicest thing is! Recently, however, a stranger who reads my blog sent me two of my biggest Christmas wishes - a Kodak Duaflex camera and two packs of Polaroid film. Defintiely the nicest thing that's happened in the past two months :). People really are wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking for the perfect buttons for my next project so I was super excited when I saw this :)
ReplyDeleteI would have to say the nicest thing anyone has done for me is my boyfriend taking the 30 minute drive between our houses at 10:00 at night to offer me mental support as well as physically help out when my mom had a sudden trip to the ER the other night.
The nicest thing someone has ever done for me was make me a beautiful piece of artwork! My friend spent quite a bit of time, energy, thought, and love to make me a piece all about me :) I cried when I received it. You can see it here marisacherie.blogspot.com ("it's in my two things i love "post).
ReplyDeleteGood luck to everyone <3
When I was a young single mother, my boyfriend (not my son's father) asked me what my son needed for his 1st birthday - I answered a winter coat so that weekend we went to the mall and he bought not only a wonderful coat with hood, but also mittens, boots, snowpants, and an Oscar the Grouch knitted hat for my son. Are you surprised that my then boyfriend is now my husband? thanks for the chance to win and I so love the comments you are receiving.
ReplyDeletethe sweetest thing ever was when i was going through a really nasty time with getting divorced & had just gotten into a HUGE blowout with the soon to be ex & i sent out a mass text to my good friends asking for someone to please come over that i just couldn't bear to be alone in that moment...i had 6 girls just show up & numerous calls. that meant the world to me. brings tears to my eyes thinking about it. girlfriends are so important.
ReplyDeleteThere have been so many nice things done for me. One of my earliest memories of kindness is when I was 11. My father passed away leaving my mother with 3 young children. That winter, a family from our church dropped by bringing us each brand new winter coats. It was so thoughtful and selfless of them to do this. And they weren't hand-me-downs, lol, they were brand new. Also, people from the community got together and helped to finish our house - someone bought flooring, others came over and finished shingling the roof, etc. Lots of kindness. I have lots to be thankful for. :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE that picture of you! those glasses are FAB. the 'nicest' thing (that's the understatement of the year for me i guess) is the doctor who helped me through the delivery of my second child (ruben, 2,5 years now :D). the delivery was without pain killing (normal in Holland) but the baby was HUGE. 11.2 pounds. yes. and i'm like a tiny girl. when he was born and healthy and i could breath again the doc said: "i do NOT know how you did it, but you are awesome". haha. i felt superwoman :D. o, ofcourse hubby was nice to me to but hey, what can a man do... support with hugs & glasses of water i guess...
ReplyDeleteI dated my husband for a year. I knew 3 weeks into our relationship that he was the one, but it took some convincing on his end. He finally on Valentine's Day that we should get married...that isn't the nice thing yet. So we tell our families and it is this huge deal, we picked out a ring and all, but weeks went by and he had not officially purposed or given me a ring. I was ok with it and in fact wasn't worried at all. Weeks soon became months and by April I was feeling pretty dumb about saying I am engaged when all anyone wanted to do was see my ring. When I said I didn't have one yet everyone was like, Are you sure he really wants to? Maybe he is just saying that? I was given a lot of doubt to deal with, but I held on tight. By my birthday at the end of May I still didn't have a ring. His family began saying he had control issues and it wasn't right for him to be that way. I was getting really sad about everyone's reactions so I decided not to draw any attention to the subject. One night we were watching television and he said, hey go pack a bag. I did and the next morning we flew to San Diego, he said it was just for fun. He then drove me up to San Clemente to my favorite beach and there he purposed to me. The nicest thing that was ever said to me was what he chose to say, "I have gotten a lot of crap for not doing this sooner, but I have to explain why. I felt that everyone was pressuring me to ask you. And I wanted more than anything for you to know that I was asking you because I genuinely love who you are and who you have made me become." He then went on to say how he felt about me and who he saw when he was with me. That night I realized that kindness is more than just being nice, but it is looking into the soul of someone else and really defining what that person needs and doing it for them. I needed this in print so thanks for giving me the opportunity.loves.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOne kindness that is continually giving is a present my parents gave me. I had a really difficult time getting through high school. Not too many friends and all.
ReplyDeleteUnexpectedly, my parents, who were very much against having a dog for years took me to the humane society and let me pick one out. His name is Scooter and he's still my best bud.
(There is a picture of him on my blog on this post: http://bear-ears.blogspot.com/2010/01/felting.html)
The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me is easy -- the birth mother that made the unbelievably difficult decision to give up her child who is now my son. I can't even fathom how difficult that would be, something that I'm sure is never far from her mind at any moment. Henry is such a light in our lives, and we can't imagine life without him.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was last year. My family was going through a really rough time financially and a woman from our church brought us a big basket of essentials like toilet paper and canned foods and a gift card to the grocery store. I am so thankful for giving people and they really inspire me to give as much as i can!
ReplyDeleteDuring the third year of my degree my panic attacks that i'd suffered with mildly for years hit a terrible peak. It eventually got to the point when i was unable to make it into college at all. Even though my tutor agreed that i could try and finish the degree at home, he was less than understanding towards my situation and i was less than hopeful. But my boyfriend and friends rallied together and printed, binded and handed in my dissertation, put my final project onto a cd and handed it in and spoke to everyone who needed to be told about my situation. As well as all the practical stuff, they also sent tweets and messages of well wishes and encouragment and offered their help in getting me back on my feet. I passed my degree :) which makes me a Batchelor of Arts! and i'm well on my way to becoming healthy and active once again, all thanks to my wonderful friends.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone has ever done for me is a few years ago when a friend of mine planned an entire day for me, on the anniversary of my Dad's suicide so I wouldn't have to think about it. She called me and woke me up early with a "good morning sunshine" in the voice only she can do. It's one of those things that just instantly makes you happy, and lets you know it's going to be a good day. We went out to eat, and to the pet store to play with little (and no so little) fuzzy animals as I have an affinity for them, and afterwords we got ice cream. We went to various other little stores. That night we hung out at her house, with her roommates, and some friends came over, and we played silly games like Apples to Apples and similar games long into the night, as well as watched movies. She seriously spent like 18 hours with me that day, ending with one of the best hugs I think anyone has ever given in the history of the world, and then I crashed on her couch that night. It was amazing. I haven't thought about that in a while, so thanks for letting me remember that memory. I'm going to send her a message now, thanking her for it.
ReplyDeleteKorey, kbdeese@uncg.edu
I can tell you the nicest thing that happened to me just recently. We are having really big financial troubles right now since my husband has been unable to work since November, so were are trying to cut back on bills, which meant we were going to be taking my daughter out of preschool. Well, the day after I let the school and board know about our situation, I got a phone call from a board member letting me know that they want us to stay and that the rest of the years tuition is covered. So, now my daughter can continue on at the school, I'm so happy about it! She loves going there, it would have really upset her to have stopped going.
ReplyDeleteSo many stories of kindnes! it makes my heart warm.
ReplyDeleteI recently moved very far away from my home for an internship, and while I have enjoyed it very much, there have been some moments of lonliness too. The outpouring of support from my friends (both old and new) and family has been amazing. Even when I don't ask for it, there has always been somebody there to talk to or a package in the mail to brighten my day. All of these little things have really added up over the past few months to give me such added confidence in pursuing my dreams!
last year my best friend was leaving to go to california for the summer, and i didnt get a chance to say goodbye to her because we were in the middle of finals. when i got home from my last final, she had left a gift in my apartment--a poster she had put together by emailing all of my friends, asking them to write a little note to me. she put them all together and finished it with a note from herself. it is the most precious think i own, with notes from my most beloved people telling me they love me. its the most beautiful gift ive ever received!
ReplyDeleteoh and i'm amy at apaschal25@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely giveaway! Buttons AND kindness!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing for me? When I had chest surgery last year my sister took leave at her job to fly and be with me. She cooked me meals, washed my hair, and kept me company while I was on bed rest! What a great sibling!
kate (kmccurrach@gmail.com)
I have a friend who lets me talk to her without judgement. She makes me feel understood & sometimes that's what I need most. Through that she has given me the gift of confidence, courage,vulnerbility, sense of adventure, & the desire to carry on...time & time again.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing that happened in my life was done by my father. Even though he was fighting against cancer, he was always there to talk to me, try to make me laugh and he tried to do everything he could. He really wanted to read my schoolwork, although he was really tired. His illness improve our relationship. I'm so happy he survived! Staying alive is the nicest thing he could ever do for me.
ReplyDeleteLA, I know you love buttons so much, I always think of you as the button queen. To win 200 vintage buttons from you would be super special. Whoever wins (although I hope it is me! :)) is very lucky!
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to think of any particular moment in my life as "nicest thing somebody has ever done for me"...I guess it would be maybe a month ago when my dad volunteered himself to help me with my college courses-discuss things with me, read all the materials, etc...basically everything other than going to class/taking my exams. :)
See you in "school" LA! :) --Tiffany / fortheloveofartandthemaking[at]gmail[dot]com
PS If I win, please email me, sometimes I have a difficult time getting to blogs on my computer.
I think the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me would be that my mother-in-law will always lend me something if I need it. Anything I ask for, she's got. And they are all such well-loved items too, but she doesn't mind sharing.
ReplyDeleteJaimie- jechapman8@gmail.com
Your hair looks fantastic, by the way!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me?
After finding out that my cancer had come back, six months into our marriage, my Husband stood by me. He stayed in the state that we had moved to together (while I moved two states away, back "home), lived on his friend's couches and worked for $0 paychecks just to get the medical (his boss what a COMPLETE jerk) that I needed.
He's stayed true to me, taken care of me and loved me, as I got better from that bout, two years later when I had my next, he still stayed. He's stayed through me pushing him away (a la dying cat syndrome), our fights, working hard hours for us and doing more than the average husband does, do to my limitations.
To this day, he still gazes into my eyes and tells how much he loves me, and I can feel that it's the truth that pours from his lips.
His love is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. :)
the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me? well...i must say that it was pretty darn nice of my mom to go through the trouble of carrying me around for 9 months [and i wasn't little haha] and not to mention that i decided to stay for an extra 2 weeks...then the hours of labor and raising a stubborn, free willed spirit like me for years...i love you, momma!
you look gorgeous in that photo! one of the nicest things is that Cliff asked me to marry him and promised to always take care of me and never hurt me or leave me and he's kept his promise plus some added making our dreams come true together on top.
ReplyDeleteI have been blessed with an amazing family and great people in my life. I'm a teacher and have been having a hard time financially this past year. I got in an accident and had my car broken into. One day I was talking to another teacher about how I had to stop my medicine because I didn't have the money to buy my refill. She came into my classroom the very next day with an envelop that had 40 bucks in it. She told me,"I don't want you to pay me back. This is a gift. I remember being a young teacher and how hard it could be." Later that very same day a little group of my seventh graders came up to me with a folded piece of paper. Inside was about 4.00 in random change. They told me they wanted to help me pay for getting my car fixed. I immediately burst into tears. The year before that I was talking to my fifth period about how cool it would be to have a lava lamp in my classroom. The day before Christmas break, they surprised me with a wrapped package. Each student in that class had contributed a dollar and bought me a lava lamp for Christmas.
ReplyDeleteWho says teaching doesn't have it's rewards? It made me smile today to think about those acts of kindness. Thank you.
My boyfriend threw me a surprise 30th birthday party. It was perfect because that week we were also moving away. So, I was able to see all my friends and family before we left.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has heard what is going on in Haiti right now, the devastation is unbelievable. I was blessed to be able to go to that country twice and work with some of the kindest souls you'll ever meet. The first time I went it fell on my birthday everyone was so sweet and they made me a cake and sang to me in creole (their language). Two years later I went back to Haiti this time it was just a few days after my birthday (here's were the nicest thing someone has done for me comes in) one of the kids at the orphanage we worked with remembered that it was my birthday and saved up for who knows how long and had a beautiful wooden jar made for me. It was hand painted with a gorgeous Haitian scene and had my name on it with a beautiful scripture. For this young one who had nothing to think of me and give me a gift for my birthday, there are no words. My life has never been the same since visting that country and I will never forget the kindness and the gift that was given to me. Please remember Haiti, there are some amazing people there, none of which deserve what is happening right now. Thanks, Natalie M.
One of the nicest things anyone has done for me is when my sister named her daughter's middle name after my middle name. I was going through a really hard time then so when I heard my niece's name in the delivery room I was so touched.
ReplyDeleteA little over a year ago, I was in a relationship that I wasn't happy in, but I wasn't able to end it. I met a boy who was always nice and, even when he couldn't convince me to be smart and end the relationship, said he just wanted me to be happy and that he'd wait for me. Well, I finally ended my other relationship and started dating that boy. We've been together almost a year and I feel so much better with him than I did with the other boy. He doesn't like it when I say it this way (he's very unsentimental, is all), but I like to think that he saved me.
ReplyDelete(I also love buttons! They're awesome!)
Love the new pic! Hmmmm, the nicest thing anyone has done for me is stick by my side despite the fact that I can be a bad friend, and forget birthdays, call backs, etc...and continue to love me and support my madness! love my peeps.
ReplyDeleteNicest thing anyone has ever done for me...a friend of a friend, who I had only met once or twice allowed me to live with her and her 2 daughters after I left an abusive relationship with nowhere to go. She is now one of my best friends, and I don't know what I would have done without her! She is an angel in disguise.
ReplyDeleteMy husband is not always the most romantic...but he surprises me. He often brings home after work, flowers, fave chocolate bars, or icecream! But one of the sweetest is on our second anniversary he, after work decorated a crooked tree out in a farmers field with balloons and had prepared a picnic and drew a cute cartoon book of his interpretation of how we met!! So sweet!
ReplyDeleteWell I think the nicest thing that has happened to me so far was that when I was 6 moths pregnant, I went to shop at the Produce Market. I was buying fruit when a man snatched my purse, I followed him yelling for help. The guy got away, but by this time it had started to rain and my umbrella was in my bag :( So was all my money and my bus pass. Soaking wet and cold I couldn't help it when I started crying. A boy with an umbrella came to cover me and asked what was wrong. I explained that I had no money to go home, he quickly gave me a dollar for the bus and walked me to the bus stop. When the bus came he ran across the street without a word, where his mother was looking from a car. I will always remember his kind face, that sweet boy around 12 years old. His mother must be proud.
Maria Isabel mariaisabelmedina@live.com
The nicest thing that someone has ever done for me would be Jesus dying on the cross for my sins, forgiving me, and covering me with HIS righteousness. I don't deserve it, none of us do! But he Died for you and for me. Joy!
ReplyDeletePerfect timing...I just realized a favorite sweater is missing a button and I'd like to replace all the buttons on it!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone's done for me has to be when I was a poor student who couldn't pay my school bills while in school, my mom cashed in more and more of her investments (life insurance money awarded after my dad died when I was 18), to pay for my college expenses. (unaccredited school so I couldn't get financial aid). I was able to graduate debt-free and not work during my senior year. I got to focus on my studies and not cram hours of work into an already full schedule of classes, studying and volunteer work. I've never been able to pay her back..and she's never asked. How selfless is that?!
supporting me during a really tough time...
ReplyDeletejust be there for me...
( camerawoman123@hotmail.com )
I had just had my first baby, and was an emotional basket-case....ok, not really earth-shattering, right?! So I called a friend, not a BEST friend, but a co-worker-ish friend to say hi and set up a time for her to meet our Little Miss. I told her how stressful being a new Mommy was, etc. etc. and how money was getting tight with me not working. Didn't think anything of it. Just girl to girl conversation. Later that night while I was in the shower there was a knock on the door...and left there was a plate of cookies and a card from the "friend"...containing $250.oo and a note that said "I love you and appreciate you. Please don't worry about anything".
ReplyDeleteAfter I stopped sobbing like a baby, I called her to tell her that my hospital bill was exactly $250 and she was an angel. Amamzing!
ohh I love this picture your skin is amazing and you are soooo purdy
ReplyDeleteWhen I moved to BC for school, my dad drove for 3 days with me just so that I wouldn't have to move alone! So sweet :)
I think I'm so lucky to be surrounded by lovely people who do super nice things for me.. it's so hard to choose! But I think the nicest and biggest impace somebody has made for me is my husband. After supporting each other through medical school and residencies, he was completely supportive of me taking time off to pursue my photography business and has cheer me through it all is the nicest nicest thing ever!
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I think of is:
ReplyDeleteI was living in Germany for the summer (working at a day camp with military kids) and I was getting horribly home sick. My dad brought my sister over with him to visit me for a long weekend. A long trip for just a long weekend, but wow, did it make the rest of the summer much better! They are great!
The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me: Two years ago, two weeks before Christmas, I had a tire on my car blow out and found out that it would be $90 to replace and upon examining the rest of my tires I found out that another one was in dire need of being replaced as well, as the metal wires were beginning to show through and it was cracking. I was lucky to have made it to the tire shop as I live 30 minutes away from the nearest one. $90 to me is a TON of money as I, like most people I'm sure, live paycheck to paycheck and never have much saved up. I could swing the one tire but there was no way I could afford TWO at that price! But having to drive an hour roundtrip everyday to get to work, it had to be done. I immediately burst into tears as I knew that my parents were having a hard time financially and probably would but shouldn't help me out. A man that worked there, who very obviously didn't have much himself, pulled me aside and began to tell me that there was no way he was going to let me drive out of there on such an unsafe tire. He then went on to say that he would take care of the second tire himself. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say but thank you thank you thank you! He smiled and said he knew what it was like to not be able to afford the necessities especially during the holidays and stuck out his hand for a handshake. I hugged him instead. To this day whenever I see this man, that didn't know me at all and didn't care, I always have a hug and a smile for him. I will never forget his kindness and the power of a complete stranger to turn something bad into something beautiful.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Renea Hanna and my email is artsy_me4 {at} hotmail {dot} com.
The happiest thing done to me wasn't even TO me. I was a by-stander watching a really beautiful moment which helped realize there are still human beings with decent hearts out there in the world.
ReplyDeleteI was sitting in class and we were about to start when this guy walks in and announces, "Does this belong to anyone?" He wasn't part of our class and everyone just stared at him, then this girl squeaks and says, "Ohmygosh it's mine!". She goes to give him a hug and asks, "How did you find it? I lost it since my first class this morning!"
I found it on the sidewalk between HLS and here and noticed no one ACTUALLY dropped it, so i picked it up and started asking random people. No one claimed it, so i decided to look inside and found your schedule." He says.""Oh my gosh, really? Thanks so much!"
"No problem. you weren't easy to find by the way, i had to track you down to almost all your classes."
The girl then turns red and admits she missed all her classes today and the only reason she went to this one was because she had a feeling she had to come. What was so nice about this was not the guy's perseverance, but the fact that he didn't seem AT ALL upset that she didn't give him a number or kiss. It's like he was being truly altruistic about the whole thing. That scene melted my heart, and i was on cloud nine ALL day.
The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me would be the amazing job my parents did with my family. They are incredibly understanding and loving and gave me an amazing brother, who is my very favourite person in the whole world!
ReplyDeleteTess- bicycletangerine@gmail.com
the nicest thing someone has done for me
ReplyDeleteis taking me to watch the Jonas Brothers 3D movie when it came out and then taking me to eat at my favorie pizza place. it was truly the best date in the history of dates. for serious!!
aww... this is a perfect giveaway!
ReplyDeletethe nicest thing is when someone reads my mind. when someone gives me a hug or a cup of hot chocolate...or when my youth pastor will send me a handwritten letter saying how much she loves me... something small, that i didn't even ask for... but they knew i needed it :)
200 buttons? My heart just skipped a beat! The nicest thing anyone's ever done for me is my momma coming to move me from Lubbock to Fort Worth. I was living w/this moron of a dude & my mom knew I was miserable. She dropped everything, jumped on a plane, got a U-Haul, had me packed & loaded up within 24 hours! My life continued to improve daily after that! Gotta love Mamas. :) Jessica D. - info(at)funkyfinds(dot)us
ReplyDeleteThe nicest think i have ever known is the support and love that my parents give me daily. Now they give my son the same support and love its so wonderful to see.....i must go and tell them how much they mean to me, i sometimes don't say it enough xxx
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone has ever done would be to forgive me after Iv been viciously mean to them. But not only forgiving me, but never holding it against me, ever. My husband is the best forgiver out there. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHi Leigh Anne....The picture of you is beautiful. You are so gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing someone has ever done for me....a very small gesture but so meaningful. I'm a single mother of 2 boys. I was on the phone one night telling my mom how I had cabin fever...when the boys are in bed I can't very well leave the house and don't have a lot of money for a sitter so I stay home and craft. I was telling her how I'd just like to maybe get away for one night and have "adult" time with friends. The next evening, my 7 year old told me he was "making dinner". He had set the table (very nicely for his age) and made jam and butter sandwhiches and pop. He said he and his brother were going to play downstairs while I had my "adult time" and to not worry about them. I then asked them if they would be my dinner dates and had the best supper of my life. For a 7 year old boy to overhear my conversation and try to help me was amazing. I love my babies so much!
The nicest thing somebody has ever done to me happened when i was in elementary. My little sister was struck with an unexplainable illness. She couldn't walk for 3 months. She was in the 2nd grade at that time. My parents brought her to all the best medical specialists in our country but they just couldn't explain what's happening to my little sister. The doctors decided to do a biopsy on my sister but my parents were afraid. They were hoping for a different option at that time.
ReplyDeleteDuring those 3 long months, people in our community came to our house and offered all the support they could give. the religious ones prayed and did processions to their saints and patrons daily. Others referred and brought my parents and little sister to their medical specialists. Therapists came to our house and offered free therapy for my sister and also brought us to the hottest springs in our province to awaken my sister's nerves and muscles.
And somehow after all the kindness people have done to us, my sister started walking again. And that experience has taught me a lot about the goodness in everyone. And making my sister walk again is the nicest thing sombodies ever done to me.
one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me happened my first week of college. my 18th birthday just happened to fall during the first week of school, and i was already feeling kind of lonely and out of place. some of the girls on my hall decorated my door, covering it entirely in happy birthday signs. I didn't even know that they knew my birthday, and I barely knew the girls at that point. It was one of the sweetest things ever because it made me feel a little more assured that i would fit in at school.
ReplyDeleteMy parents came over and help me clean my entire apartment because my little family was moving out of it. Instead of taking me three hours, we had it finished in 45 minutes (and that included the microwave and refridgerator scrubbed!)
One of the nicest things anyone has done for me is when my dad was dying of cancer, my friend and her mother made dinner every sunday for a few weeks and brought it over so that my entire family could eat and spend time with my dad. I'll never forget that kindness. I have been blessed with lots of kindness in my life but this is the one that sticks out most in my mind.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
fun giveaway! hmm...the nicest thing anyone ever did for me was when my best friend married me <3. he shared his whole self with me and created a new journey in life together with me. pretty darn cool.
ReplyDeleteI was recently bed-ridden for two days with a spasm in my neck and a slipped disc in my back. Unable to even get out of bed, my mother came and stayed with me for those two days, helping me with the kids and the house (and the hubs), making soup, making my dr appts, anything i needed she was right there. She is the most sweetest, kindest, and most sincere person I have ever known.
ReplyDeleteB-E-A-U-tiful picture, Leigh Ann!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing someone has done? Last winter, my husband was away for university for a month, and I got really sick. My parents drove down one night (2 hr drive) to take me and my dog back to their house. They fed me and kept me company and took me to the emergency department the next morning. Man, am I loved!
xo, Katie
the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me is forgive :)
ReplyDeletewow, all of the comments are sooo sweet! and i agree, you are so adorable...
ReplyDeletethere are so many, but i will pick this one...
when my husband proposed to me, he asked my mom and dad, his mom and dad, my nanna, his best friend and my best friend all for permission to marry me. then he proposed to me on the steps of the church my parents got married in, which is a tiny church who gives food lines in the middle of downtown san antonio. i had only told him about it once i think, it was so sweet of him to think of this. and he proposed to me without a ring, which i though was precious. he know i would not want to store bought ring and that i would want one to be handmade with meaning, so we waited and both got rings!
and he still does wonderful little things for me all the time, for example, while reading all of these wonderful stories, he is playing COD in the other room, in between games he came over to rub my shoulders! what a sweetie!
thanks for this chance, vintage buttons are my fave!
I was selling a gift certificate I didn't need on Craigslist for a discounted price. The transaction was for us to meet at Starbucks close to my office. I was waiting in line to pick up a mocha when the gentleman buying the certificate from me came into the store. I motioned for him and he met me in line. Not only did he buy the gift certificate from me, but he bought my coffee and we sat down and had a lovely conversation. I've never seen this stranger again, but he made my day. :)
ReplyDeleteLove the idea. :)
This is a hard post because its real hard to say the nicest thing someone has ever done for me. People do nice things all the time. I guess one thing that pops into my head is I am in School for Sonography (ultrasound) It has taken a toll on me and is extremely stressful. When I moved to Savannah, Georgia a girl basically took me under her wing. I feel I wouldn't have made it into this program without her she is amazing.The program by the way is real competive and they only except 10 people a year. So for her to really help me was amazing. Ive never meet someone so organized and on top of everything. She made my life easier and everytime I get real stressed out she always just calms me down...
ReplyDeleteI was at the hospital in labor with my youngest daughter. Her heart rate dropped and I was told I needed an emergency c-section immediately. Within 5 minutes, I was rolled away from my family to the OR. I hadn't even had time to process what was going on and I was absolutely terrified and completely alone. While they were prepping the anesthesia (I didn't have an epideral so they had to put me under-no time for an epideral at that point) and surgery, my tears were flowing. A nurse (I'm assuming she was a nurse) pressed her face against mine and held my hand while I was going under. The last thing I remember was her warm skin on mine (I was so cold!) and her calm voice explaining what was happening.
ReplyDeleteIt was probably an everyday occurance to her, but to me it meant the world. I have never been so scared in my life and she was such an angel to be there for me when my family could not. I never saw her again, but I think about her all the time!
A happy ending....my daughter was born perfectly healthy and I was able to hold her shortly after I woke up!
Well the nicest thing that someone has done for me was pray for me... now I'm not a very religious person, but when my son asked about God and asked if he could talk to him I told him he could talk to him about whatever and whenever he wanted to. So he did, right then, and what he said moved me... " God... please keep my mom safe with me forever. Thanks." Then he ran off and played while I sat in awe.
Most recently the nicest thing that someone has done for me came from a new boy in my life. After coming home from a week of Christmas with the family I had a wrapped up gift sitting on my door step. I opened it to find a space heater (I hate the cold, am always cold, and there was a HUGE winter storm coming) and Donnie Darko (One of my favorites to watch Jake!). It was the perfect thing to come home to after a long, cold day of traveling.
ReplyDeleteWhen my hubby and I moved last year we didn't have room for my old piano. Keep in mind this piano belonged to me since childhood. After much crying, on my part, we decided it had to go. I put it on craigslist for free to a good home. I was hoping to find someone with kids who wanted to learn. Someone who would learn to love it as much as I had come to over the years. After about a million responses, and weeding through my screening process, I finally found someone worthy of my piano. When this lovely family came to pick it up, my heart jumped. There amongst them appeared this lovely little girl with blonde ringlets just like I used to have. She looked at my piano with wonderment. This brought such a joy to my heart. She reminded me so much of how much I had been with my first and only piano. Just before they left with the piano, she turned and told me that she promised to take care of it. I believe without a doubt this is the nicest thing that has ever been said to me.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone has done for me is when I got married in Las Vegas my husband, my parents, and brother & sister-in-law went to the Venetian hotel at the Grand Lux Cafe after the wedding ceremony. The food was some of the best we’ve ever eaten. The amazing thing was an anonymous man gave us $100 towards our meal!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway. One of the nicest things someone did for me was when I was grumpy about work and not being a good worker and she wrote me a long email all about the little things she saw that I did. While this may sound extremely self centered it was exactly what I needed and I still keep the email in my inbox to read on bad days. :)
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me was teach me how to be in a relationship again. Mister nursed me back to being able to trust people, and then married me.
ReplyDeleteNicest thing anyone's done, hands down =)
Awesome giveaway! I LOVE buttons...
ReplyDeletea couple of years ago when we were at the start of our first adoption process, we got a call about a short notice visit to finish up our homestudy to have it ready for our little guy. Well our house is lived in and was NOT ready for a short notice visit esp when you feel like you're having to impress someone!
my twin seester from another set of parentals totally rocks! no questions asked, no return favors expected. she showed up at my house (on her own) and helped me scrub my house down to have it ready for the visit (even my bathroom floor!). not only did she help me clean, but she even brought a few toys to make our extra bedroom look like it was ready for a little boy!
it was just so awesome to be helped so graciously without asking for it or expecting anything in return.
Oh Leigh-Ann, you look so beautiful in this picture! Very pretty.
ReplyDeleteDon't mean to get sappy, but I have to say one of the nicest things anyone has done for me was that dad let me stay home for 12 years when you were growing up. This was at a time already when most mom's went out to work full time jobs and had to fit in everything else in the evening. There were many times that we could use the 2 incomes with 3 children, which probably put more pressure on dad. But it was more important to be at home with you, Amanda and Kody. I appreciated it at the time, but appreciate it more now to see what we gained, that you have all grown up into the wonderful adults you are.
Love Momma
Oh, and then he gave me a puppy for Christmas! Ahhh!
ReplyDeleteLove Momma
There are so many and I'm at such a blank. But one thing when I was younger, was my parents got me a German Shepherd. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into. Several screen doors, fence replacements, etc later my dad decided it was time to give him up to a rescue that could find him a proper home. In the days that followed he could see how upset I was and one day he came home, joined by my dog. He had gone back to get him. Rusty lived a short, but happy life after that. He was actually a really good dog, it was our fault that he was bored & we didn't know how to train him. I'll never forget my dad being so kind even though all the headaches and money Rusty caused him.
ReplyDeleteThe most recent thing that comes to mind is my parents loaning me money to help pay for a plasma transfusion for my beloved Barkley (dog) who was less than a year old. I was crying hysterically when I called and they never questioned giving me the money for a pet.
The picture of you is really lovely! The nicest thing? Our house burned two years ago last October. Someone delivered a huge box to our neighbors so we wouldn't know who was responsible. It was full of Christmassy things; candy, hot cocoa, and lots more happy stuff. Best of all, there was a beautiful handmade quilt. It has been on our bed ever since, and reminds me of the kindness of others. I still do not know who was responsible, but I hope they know what joy they brought to my family that day.
For my 30th birthday my darling man flew my family over from the other side of the country (Australia) as a surprise for my party. I was absolutely speechless and cried half the night as I was so upset that none of them could be with me and I was feeling overwhelmingly homesick. My family means everything to me, especially my mum, so this was the best thing that he ever could have done. Got little tears now just thinking about it xx
ReplyDeleteThanks for this giveaway, its so sweet. :)
ReplyDeleteI have been blessed with so many wonderfully thoughtful people in my life. Here is such an amazing thing my Mom did for me. I became pregnant 3 1/2 years ago, and for some reason started losing all of my hair. I found out that my pregnancy had caused me to have alopecia. Its an autoimmune disease. So there was nothing the dr.'s could do because I was pregnant, and I was just miserable. I lost over 50% of my hair. It may sound shallow, but it was very depressing to me. I barely left the house. Well, my mom saw how upset I was, and she asked me to look with her for wigs. We looked in a couple local shops and they just looked awful, really fake and obvious that they were wigs. She looked online for me and found some REALLY expensive ones that looked very real. She let me pick one out, it looked just like my previous hair.. And bought it for me. $400. It came and I tried it on, and I felt so much better. I wouldn't get stared at anymore when out in public! (its amazing to be balding and be pregnant- it looked like I had cancer, I bet it was confusing). When my own family saw me, they were like, "Oh, look how great your hair grew back!" I got SO many comments on how my hair was getting so long, etc. NO one knew. :) Its one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. She helped me feel so much better. She doesn't even really make that much money, so it meant a whole lot to me. And it still does. I'm also thankful that my hair grew back! The dr.s couldnt figure it out, but I can- God. :) He is the one who does the most for me. I'm so thankful. Thank you for this inspiring giveaway theme, and all the lovely comments!
One of the nicest things someone has done for me happened 3 years ago. After a fairly stressful/emotional visit with my mom and stepdad, I had to take my Jeep to the tire place because they were low the morning I intended to leave (head back home). I didn't want to ask my stepdad or mom for anything at that point, so I was somewhat distressed when I needed to pay something like $50-$70 for a new tire/whatever work they did. I had about $15-$30 cash on me to last me the 3.5-hr drive home. An elderly man was working the counter at the tire shop and he could tell I was upset... not "angry upset" but "sad/stressed upset" (hopefully that makes sense). He asked the manager what they could do, if they could give me some kind of credit. The manager wasn't supportive of that idea. Once the manager walked off, the elderly man didn't charge me anything! I was stunned by his kindness. I made the drive home safe and sound... I don't know if he knew how much he helped me that day.
ReplyDeleteOops, my name is Rachel (racheldildy@yahoo.com)
ReplyDeleteI got a crushed with someone, he's a vocalist from an underground band. I know he don't like to singing a sweet song, but yesterday suddenly he sangs Bad English's song (old song), "When I See You Smile", at the gigs and that song dedicated to me!! Oh I felt my body was flying so high :-)
Hello Leigh-Ann!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing someone did for me is something that is currently happening. Back home my mom had major financial problems during the past years because she was conned by the men who were building her house and despite all the trouble she went through she is still building it, bit by bit, a little by her own hands, a little with help, but the nicest thing is that she tells me everyday: I do it because I want you to be happy when you come here.
Tarsila - tarsila.kruse@gmail.com
The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me was when my grandmother passed away, my aunt gave me a ring that my grandmother had given her when she was my age. i've never worn it but i'm so touched that she would give me something so precious.
The nicest thing anyones ever done for me is my boyfriend arranging for my mum to visit as a total surprise on my birthday as I was sad I wouldn't get to see her for weeks afterwards. Apparently the look on my face when she walked into the our local pub was priceless!
ReplyDeleteKatie - katienoz@googlemail.com
A friend once walked me all the way home by the sea in the snow. He knows I love the snow and the sea and the night time but was worried I would find trouble. It took him 3 hours to do a round trip.
ReplyDeletehi leigh-ann,
ReplyDeletehoping to make your cute toolbelt apron today...and post my style school projects thus far on flickr...you and elsie are soooo cute!
as for the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me?
i think it was probably for a group of friends to drive across the country in their pyjamas to spend my 30th birthday with me...i was really poorly and couldn't get out of bed...so they came to me and we had a pyjama party and watched an old movie we'd watched when we were all 15!! it was sooo funny for my Mum to open the door to all these women in pyjamas with teddy bears and presents!!! lol it was really just a question of being thoughtful and inclusive...and those are generally the nicest things i find!
love hearing everyone's stories...such an uplifting thread to read...great idea!
wow you look lovely today. one of the nicest things anyone ever did for me was when i moved to spain, i was broke and very depressed because i couldn't go out with all my new friends and was getting homesick for my boyf back home. my new friends came round with loads of crisps (my fav food) and insisted they were taking me out. we had the best night ever and they became wonderful, life long friends. i love them loads.
ReplyDeletewhat i great idea this was leigh-ann, you have spread lots of love with this x x x
(any other great thing was when you looked on my blog and left a message that i was really pretty and you loved my freckles. i can't tell you how happy that made me!!)
My husband is an angel, he is always doing nice little things for me, but he's especially lovely when i'm ill. He's always sympathetic, and will cuddle me all day and night no matter how contagious or generally gross I am. He'll get me drinks, food, whatever I want. When I had cellulitis in my leg and couldn't walk on it or even put it down, he pretty much had to carry me back and force to the bathroom (I'm a plus-size girl). My husband is the kindest, most loving man i've ever met and i'm so lucky to have him.
ReplyDeleteHelen furrylittlemonsterblog@yahoo.co.uk
Most recently-my friends want to pitch in to buy me a hypo-allergenic cat.
ReplyDeleteI have tonnes of allergies and they know how hard it is for me. Especially since I love cats and just found out of this allergy and could not bring our cats with us when we moved.
cute idea!
ReplyDeletemy mom let my boyfriend and i move into her basement free of charge so we could save a ton of money :).
Hm...The nicest thing..[and the theme of 2009] is when my fiance broke off our engagement. We weren't ready or right for each other but i was blinded by love.
ReplyDeleteBecause of the breakup i am strong, independent and confident now. Where i was none of those before. :)
Crossing my fingers!
Hmmmm, the thing that stands out most to me is when I became pregant at age 34 (trying for a long time) and a friend of mine from work got me a gift right away for the baby as soon as I found out I was pregnant. That touched me so much. It was so early yet in my pregnancy but so sweet. 12 1/2 years later and I still remember her doing this. I wanted a baby so bad.
ReplyDeleteMy mom made me a scrapbook album of her life as a child. Filled with great stories and photos. She mailed to me on my birthday. I totally bawled.
ReplyDeleteLeslie (leslieagreene@gmail.com)
I was feeling really down because I don't have any friends in an area I moved to (philadelphia) and friends across the country (california!) got together and made me a collage of pictures in a frame and an embroidered handkerchief. Super sweet!
ReplyDeleteI think it's a tie between both my parents being totally awesome- while I lived hours away from home for university and dealt with depression, my mom would send me care packages that always came at the best times! and my dad telling me after I called him in tears one night, "if you need me there, I will drive down and pick you up"- regardless of the fact that it was 9 at night and I lived about 6 hours away.
ReplyDeleteso my parents showing me how much they love me :)
That sure is one stunning picture of you, my dear. Lovely.
ReplyDeleteNicest thing anyone's ever done for me? Gosh! That is so hard. My sister took me to Paris for my birthday. A friend sent me 40 birthday cards (because she knew how much I loved REAL mail). My kids make me love gifts all the time. So many to pick from...
Enjoy the concert!
you are so adorable :)
ReplyDeletemy mom always supporting me is the nicest thing anyone could ever do for me, when i started fashion school she was all for me and now that i have switched to become a teacher she is still there 100%.
& Yelloworanges@comcast.net
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing was when my boyfriend (long time ago, it was halb a year before we became a couple) coverd the song "creep" (this was my favorite song) on the piano and send it to me at 12.00pm on my 25th birtday.
ReplyDeleteI cried 2 hours. this was so wonderful and sososo sad because i were together with someone else.
(sorry for my english, i do not often write in english...but i love your blog!:))
Nora from germany.
a couple years ago i got really sick with the flu & had developed an ulcer. i could hardly get out of bed, let alone make myself anything to eat or drink. a friend, now my best friend, stopped by every day with a 32oz orange juice & bagel sandwich.
ReplyDeleteallison, allisonbakes@gmail.com
Reading all those comments makes you realise how nice the world is. :) And I think it is wonderful so many people are sharing such joys!
ReplyDeleteI always find it hard to pick one thing, but one of the nicest things in my life is my boyfriend. We've been together since we were 16. But went opposite ways for university at age 18. He's in Australia and I'm in England (can you get any further apart?) and despite the distance he still puts up with me and my annoying moods. I love him very much for that. :)
When I was living across the country and very homesick and lonely, my mom would send me a package every month with some of my favorite things in it. For my birthday she sent me gifts and these mini ballons that you hit on the ground to inflate. She has always gotten me balloons on my birthday and she wasn't going to let the mileage stop her. That small gesture still makes me smile.
ReplyDeleteBy far the nicest thing someone has done for me was offer up their home when I was 17 and pregnant and feeling forced to do an adoption I didn't want to do. I didn't need their home after all but the encouragement to do what I felt was right instead of what other people were pushing me to do was amazing and so needed. I wouldn't have the life I have today without that person's push to do what I felt right.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read what everyone else wrote but I had to tell you right away because mine just happened this week. My oldest turned 10 yesterday. He's impossible to buy for- he has autism and doesn't like what most other 10 yr olds do. My sister told me a few weeks ago that she knew what she was going to get him. I was shocked. So imagine my surprise when I got an email early Weds morning with some links. She had hacked my blog and set up a fundraiser through her shop for my son. She asked some big blogging names to get the word out and one even made a special pin in honor of the fundraiser. 100% of the sales is going to Autism Speaks. So far over $800 has been raised- a HUGE amount for her shop- and I am floored, amazed, grateful. Not only that but her husband is a college student and they have 2 little boys- her shop is the only income they have. And she gave it ALL UP in honor of my J. I'm not a crier at all, but I bawled like a baby when I got the email and realized what was going on. Meant the WORLD to me. SO sweet huh?
ReplyDeleteone of my favorite "nicest things" moments was when my friends threw me a late surprise party for my 21st birthday. my birthday is over the summer and i didn't get to celebrate with my friends because everyone was gone or busy and it was just kind of lame. but when school started again they totally surprised me by taking me out to dinner and buying me drinks. it was so great :) i love my friends.
ReplyDeletethe nicest thing anyone has ever done for me to not give up. when i was a 18 months old i had spinal meningitis. the outlook wasn't great, and the nearest hospital is an hour away from our farm. My parents didn't have alot of money, and my brother & sister were both under 4. But one of my parents was always at my bedside, even over Christmas. Long story short, I pulled through after many long weeks (& alot of debt). I will always appreciate that they had hope.
ReplyDeleteLove the pretty photo!
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing anyone has done for me, was when my husband-to-be sent me a love note through the post to my work(in a school) and a huuuuuuge box of spotty hello kitty balloons which caused much excitement ....just because he felt like it, and he knew I'd been having a dreadful week.
Im a lucky duck!
The nicest thing anyone has done for me is when my husband moved back to America to be with me. He wasn't my husband yet, of course.
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful to have him!
My sister-in-law always mails us cookies for Christmas when I'm not spending with them and it just means so much because she takes the time and money to do that. This year she also sent us beautiful ceramic bowls she made even though we decided us kids aren't giving presents to each other. She inspires me to be generous and try to send handmade or baked good to may family for special occasions.
ReplyDeleteOne thing about me is that I'm terrible at picking favorites, bests, etc. I couldn't come up with THE nicest thing ever done for me so I decided to go with one of the nicest things lately. My father and I have never been super close and our relationship is very touch and go. He's a carpenter/scaffolder and when I was little he used to build me things: a new headboard, shelves for my bedroom, etc. but as I got older and we grew farther apart it was easier to forget those little nice things and forcus on the negative. He works out of province for months at a time and before we left after Christmas he suprised me with an art desk he made and a huge sheet of pegboard for the wall. He knew I really needed a desk and really wanted a pegboard for our studio and I have to say, it's one of the nicest things he's done for me in YEARS. This makes me really happy because, like I said, we have our problems but this meant the world to me. I've been able to get organized and when I go into our studio now I have somewhere to sit and play when I'm inspired. Thankyou Da :)
ReplyDeletelove cait
With a great big ocean between us
ReplyDeleteBut to know that he is always there
Like the brightest beacon of light
That guides me when I am lost
Like the North Star
That I can always count on
Got in a terrible fight with my mother last week; My brother, with his magic, soothed the both of us instantly. I wish we were closer to each other, and not far apart with him in the US, me in Asia. But distance is just geography; our hearts are always together no matter where we are. The nicest thing anybody has ever done for me is to be a brother that I can always count on :-) anna_liao@yahoo.com
The nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me was help me through the horrible hospital bedrest and premature birth of my first daughter. My husband and mother were by my side without fail, through all the drugs I was put on, my complete loopyness from all the drugs, cleaning me in the hospital, helping me shower and go to the bathroom after an unexpected, early emergency c-section, and supporting me and encouraging me through the trials and tribulations of nursing a preemie. My grandma (my mom's mom) was dying in another state and my mom was conflicted on what to do. My grandma told her she better not leave me until the baby was born and we knew she was okay and home from the hospital, and then, and only then, could she come to be with her. That's true love and selflessness and I'll forever me thankful for all of them.
ReplyDeleteThe nicest thing...well, my two best friends HATE each other...they have for about a year...and they both weren't sure about going to my birthday party because of that. But I said that was what I really wanted and it wouldn't be the same without either of them...and they both went and were nice to each other the WHOLE time, just for me on my birthday. It made me so happy, and it was the best birthday present I've ever gotten :)
ReplyDeleteIt's a couple little things all put together.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of last school year, a week before graduation, my best friend on the entire planet was killed in a car accident. It wrecked the whole school. The people around me were so amazing during this time. I spent about three days in bed (I was allowed to stay in the dorm as long as I needed to. We were supposed to have moved out the day we had her memorial service) and one morning, there was a knock on my door. I ignored it, like I had many others. When I finally got up, I opened the door and there was a loaf of homemade rasin bread, a jar of cinnamon sugar, and a little tub of butter. My psychology professor had baked it for me. He knew I wasn't eating and hoped it would make me feel a little better.
One of my other friends (We were supposed to be in the car with her when she died) drove me from Georgia to Pennsylvania because my friend that died was supposed to go with me. He let me sleep all the way through West Virginia (by far the worst part of the drive) and didn't fuss at me for it.
These are just two of them. Everyone at the school was so incredibly kind through the whole thing. The circumstances were horrible, but the way people looked after me and made sure I was okay was, by far, the nicest thing(s) ever done for me.
Wow. The nicest thing someone has ever done for me is ongoing. I have A LOT of tummy issues. Issues that leave me basically in horrible pain laying in bed hoping for sleep the make the pain go away. My husband is always there for me. He takes care of our daughter. Little things around the house. Everything! He even knows that look on my face when I'm in pain and he knows that the only thing that I can do at that point is lay down and sleep. He's always there to rub my back and tell me it will be okay. Always. He has no idea how much those little things mean to me.
ReplyDeleteOh I just love Buttons! The nicest thing anyone has ever done for me: When I was struggling with a really personal problem, one of my husbands friends talked to someone they knew going through the same thing. The friend, a total stranger sent me a letter of encouragement, hope and peace. It was truly an amazing display of kindness.
ReplyDeleteHope I'm not too late on this... I was new to town and barely had enough $$$ to rent a place for me my son. The landlord saw that we didn't have much and after we signed the paperwork to move in she came back with a new bed, some bedding, and household items. She didn't know us and her kindness touched me so, especially at that low point in my life.
ReplyDeleteI think one of the nicest things that anyone has done for me:
ReplyDeleteThis past summer I graduated from college and the company that I had been hired to work with stopped paying their employees (permanently). I had to leave work, I had no money and I have no car so my four apartment mates (now) who were friends of mine had just moved into a place. They let me stay with them rent-free for three months until I found a job! All I did was keep the apartment clean and apply for jobs. They drove with me to church and job interviews and my boyfriend bought all of our food for three months!
Most recently a good friend in Canada was nice enough to track down a book and send it to me before it went into print here in the US.
ReplyDeleteSo sweet.